One bright Spring Saturday I decided to go shopping and make a day of it. I was having a blast..spending here and spending there. The time quickly slipped away from me and it was dark when I decided I best head for home.
I walked to my car and quickly stored all my new goodies in the truck, jumped in my car, locked the doors and headed for home. I had probably driven about a mile when I noticed a car following me. I made several unecessary turns to try and loose the person, but to no avail. They stuck with me like glue.
Frantic...I just raced home, pulled into my driveway, jumped out of my car and ran into the house. I peeked through the curtains and woudln't you know it, the person had pullled into my drive way behind my car. I rapidly called the police and explained.
Within minutes they arrived and pulled the guy out of the car and asked him what he thought he was doing. He shook his head and said, "You guys don't want me, you want the guy in her backseat."
The police opened my back doors and sure enough there was a guy laying in the backseat with a 10 inch butcher knife.
I was trembling, just thinking of what could have happened had the fellow not decided to follow me home. He had seen the guy climb into my backseat and hide, so he waited for me and then followed to make sure I was safe. He was definitely my gaurdian angel that day.
Yes, yes, this is true story.
Savanah Rose aka Pammie
How it changed my life:Always check ur backseats before you get into your car. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29928 ( Click here )
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