Hanging rock, A popular Tourist Destination in Australia, steeped in history. The rare volcanic formation has been a hide-out for the notorious bushranger Mad Dog Morgan, and other famous tales, espicailly the one of the missing school girls. What really happened remains a Mystery, some even say it never happened at all. What ever the case, the story was made into a best selling book and a very popular movie. So why such a fuss about this particular Cluster of rocks? It is beleived that this is a sacred site for the Aboriginals, turned a popular tourist site since the story evolved, however that may be. The story goes that On Saturday 14th 1900, A group of school girls for the posh nearby Boarding school, decided to picnic at Hanging rock. During the day, two girls and a teacher decided to wander off, and sadly, they never came back. After intensive searching, a couple of days later One of the girls were found, but she couldnt remember a thing. Hanging rock can be found near Mt Macedon in Victoria. Below a report BY ROGER EBERT
"Much was made of the fact that the movie is set on a Saturday, and Valentine's Day did not fall on a Saturday in 1900; did the girls disappear into another time line? Were they raped by two teenage boys who were also on Hanging Rock that day? Did they simply fall into a crevice? What about the girl who was found alive a week later? She had lost her shoes, and yet her feet were not injured by the sharp rock paths. Did she levitate? There is even a book, The Murders at Hanging Rock, that explains that the disappearances were fiction, but nevertheless offers several theories, including UFO abduction, for what happened. Of course the entire point is that there is no explanation. The girls walked into the wilderness, and were seen no more. Aborigines might speculate that the rock was alive in some way--that it swallowed these outsiders and kept its silence. As Russell Boyd's camera examines the rock in lush and intimate detail--its snakes and lizards, its birds and flowers--certain shots seem to suggest faces in the rock, as if the visitors are being watched"
If the story is true or not the fact remains that when people visit this site, they get an eerie feeling. Peoples hairs stand up on end and they feel like theyre being watched. I personally beleive that the site in inhabbited by some bad Spirits, hence the fact that the ground was considered scared. Many Local Elderly Aboriginals would consider the story true, and dont like to talk about the site.
Here are some pictures, theyre not too good, but its all the ones I could find.. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/theme/twilight_zone/graffix_zone/han.gif http://www.travelaustralia.com.au/vic/macedon/images/hangingrock.jpg
Well I hoped you liked my post, Im very interested in Aboriginal storys etc. ANd I was bored so I decided to post this one!
If you think the story is true, whats your explaination to where the girls dispeared to? How it changed my life:I have been to this site. I was alittle freaked out!! It is true that you feel watched and kinda unwelcomed, but your adrenaline makes you stay and explore abit. LoL I was only young so I was only interesed in finding the skeletons of the school girls!! But My mum made us leave a little early because she felt too wierd. :P You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 56369 ( Click here )
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