1.) Andrew Jackson was the first president actually born in the U.S.
2.) When ground temperature is below freezing, it can't hail.
3.) Alexander Graham Bell refused to have a telephone in his study. The ringing drove him nuts.
4.) Bird's eyes, unlike human's, keep everything in focus at all times.
5.) The average car has 15,000 parts.
6.) A stack of one trillion new dollar bills would be 69,000 miles high.
7.) The first tropical storm named after a male was "Bud".
8.) Mr. Rogers and Paul Newman are both colorblind.
9.) A New Yorker could eat out every night of their life and never eat at the same restuarant twice.
10.) A one-day-old antelope can run at 23 mph.
11.) 20 of the first 30 U.S. presidents did not have middle names.
12.) Ukulele means "jumping flea" in Hawaiian.
13.) Odds that a phone number in L.A is unlisted: 1 in 3
14.) The diamond is the only gem composed of a single element (carbon).
15.) England's Queen Elizabeth I was the first person to wear silk stockings. (They were a gift.)
16.) The Bestselling Book in 1783 was Noah Webster's American Spelling Book.
17.) 1 in 4 women is a compulsive gambler.
18.) An average dairy cow produces 4 times her body in manure each year.
19.) It is estimated that Winston Churchill smoked 300,000 cigars in his life.
20.) There is a producing oil well beneath the Oklahoma State capitol building.
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