Hi Mystie here for another broadcast of InsideUSM MG weekly news. I haven't done one of these for awhile. All that undercover work. Most of you don't know about my broadcasts, I'll sum it up. It's me, Mystie, taking you behind the scenes of USM to see how this site really works. Well in today's broadcast we are going to show you how penguins, yes penguins, take care of the profiles. As you know, when you come to this site you have the choice to create a profile. Except those young ones. Once you create the profiles they are moved out onto the USM ranch. They are brought down there by the penguins. Then, the penguins will round them up. They take them one by one and brand them with the USM seal of Approval. They are then taking seperatly, by the penguins, and put into there seperate stales. The penguins and feed, brush, water, and do everything to take care of them. When you click to look at someone profile the door to it's stale opens. The penguins put on the bridle and saddle and ride them out to the field so that you can look at them. Let us go behind the scenes and watch what happens. Oh no... they spotted me *camera zooms in on Mystie*.... do something *penguins began running at Mystie with their lasos* Ahhhhhh *they tie up and begin biting Mystie* HELP!!!!...... *animal control rolls up and carries aways the penguins* Glad that's over. Well, that's all for this episode of Inside USM. This is Mystie signing out!
(note: No penguins were hurt in the making of this episode. Those taken away by animal control will soon be back)
To see Episodes 1-13 check out my stories or go to www.geocities.com/insideusm ENJOY!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 4255 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .