Omg ok i dont know why or how i remembered this, because I'm in ninth grade now and when this happened i was in 6th. Anyway I was w/ my best friend Katie and her cousin Sammie @ a resteraunt(I remember this all so clearly, it was so funny). Katie said she had to go to the bathroom and she didnt want to go alone because it was at the other end of the resteraunt and she was afraid she would get raped(lol), and so we went w/ her. The bathroom wasnt the usual kind of public bathroom, it was a one person one. There were two doors, like you go into one and theres a little room and then you open another one into the bathroom. Well Sammie and me were standing in the little room next to the bathroom(Katie was in the bathroom) waiting, and a stranger walked into the room where we were. Katie, being the crazy person she is, started singing at the top of her lungs the Barney song....thinking we were the only ones waiting for her to get out. We were laughing so hard that we couldnt tell her to stop, and the lady was sitting there wondering what Katie was thinking lol. Katie walked out and when she saw the lady standing there she made a weird face, u kno when ur emberassed, and turned brite red.......and the lady walked into the bathroom and said "I'm not going to asK....". To top it off, she walked into the resteraunt w/ toilet paper stuck to her foot(we didnt know at the time). We are never gonna let her live that was sooo funny!! *~*AngeldoLL*~* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29109 ( Click here )
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