I sit here and I look at Your picture a sweet memory Of the past we shared Visions of it in my head I sit here and I cry And it gets me nowhere
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
I can remember your Embrace my arms in Yours Eyes locked into Each others all those Memories flooding into Me but
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
And I can still remember The taste of your lips The warmth of our bodies Never left me how can I love another all I See is you I love You and you left
Never again have I Held another so close Without you being In my memory
I can still feel your Soft touch on my cheek Where your had used To rest and I knew That all was well but
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
All the while when I Torture myself in this Memory I can still feel The love and the spark That we shared everything Was fine as long as we Were together and
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
Then again I could Never open up without You so you know How difficult this is For me you knew Everything about me Well it seems I've Changed a degree or Two but then I Never was good enough For my own liking Guess that's why I Do this to myself and
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
I still love you and you Of all people know that I'd give anything just To be with you one last Time and to have that Embrace and that kiss and That soft touch all the Things taht we used to Share without the torture
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
Babe I've seen this all Before in another time It never was quite this True to me I need You here and now without You I'm not complete I Love you and
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
Oh the sweet memories for Me you broke my pride Took me by the hand Lifted me higher made Me known to myself made Me feel like a real person And not just some idiot Who can never make it On his own
All this for you I can be What you want me to be But you never tell me So why do I do this to Myself? All this love Forced me never have I felt like this before
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
So now this seems to be The way that it all ends We broke up and one Of us ends up torturing Ourselves our lives Are lost and it seems that All is well in the land Of dreams for the other
This time it's gotta end I can't take all this Much more the torture Is killingme and it Seems like this won't End
I've tortured myself Time and time again Waiting for you to Come back to me see All this torture for You
Look into my eyes and See this pain all of Those times that I Said I love you It was with the Best intention that I told you everything And until I can mend Myself I'll just have To put up with this Torture for you I still Love you without the torture You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 41515 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .