We failed to make our Usual prayer post last night or this morning before court.
We still felt all of the heartfelt love from you all. We know and feel every thought, prayer, lit candle, chant, and feelings of compassion from each of you here that have been going through all of this court stuff with us.
THINGS are looking up and on the goodside. Today was a turning point. We consider you all true friends and compassionate people in this world. YES! this world, the one we call USM.
There is no way we could have and still are getting through this. Some of you think, Silly post! Not to Us. You have all been councelors, friends, prayer warriors and so on. You have given us strength to push on.
Even at our lowest of times, we have had someone Hugging us in chat, msg a kind word, on Yahoo teasing or crying with us. You all have been there for us. You have no Idea how your words have been our hope and our moodsetter.
Our profiles have some of the sweetest msgs, our post have been flooded with prayers, hopes, wishes and love. The kind of love that we call Friends.
We love you all! It is looking good for our Smurf! That IS what matters! God bless you all, all of our love! We owe so much to all of you.
Collin and Judi
BTW.keep em' up, We still have a long road ahead, it isn't over till the gavel hits the bench! HUGS
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .