were we use to live many weird things started to happen. we lived in that house for six years nothing happen the first 5 years then the 2 last years many unexplainable things began to happen like around 12:00 everybody was sleeping and you could hear noise that made us scard for days and making us unable to sleep. we went and told my mom but she told us that it was all in our head you know our imagination playing tricks with us . then one night my mom heard small footsteps running up and down the stairs like little kids were playing around and people yelling very load then my mom knew it couldn't be us cause we were sleeping. then the next night my mom told us to stay awake and to all go to her room. and around 12:30 the same noise she heard before she heard again we got so scard then the door was close and ponding noises hit the door and the kids runnig up and down the stais happen again my step father open the door and check down the stairs and a dark red light started coming up the stairs. the next day my parents started looking for a place to move How it changed my life:i don't know it all scary . You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55549 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .