one day at a ventriloquist show, the man and the dummy kept doing blonde jokes. Well there was a blonde woman in the audience,so she stands up and says "Listen, its people like you who give blondes a bad name!Its wrong and mean of you to make blonde jokes!It politically incorrect!Its you people who keep blonddes from getting respectable jobs!" Well the man starts saying, he sorry, then the blonde interupts "Listen mister!you stay outta this, it between me and the guy on your leg!"
Whats worse than a brunette and a redhead building a house underwater? A blonde trying to set it on fire!
A blonde goes to the gyno. The doctor say "ma'am,you have acute-vaginitis"(i think its spelled like that) so she say "oh,thank you"
a blonde goes to a store and says"i want to buy this t.v." the man says "we dont sell stuff to blondes" She comes back a day later with A brown wig on and says"i want tobuy this t.v." They say "we dont sell to blondes" and she thinks they must have recognized her. next day she comes back,different wig, glasses,and makeup, she says "I want to buy this t.v." and they say "we dont sell to blondes" "how do you know that im a blonde?!"she demands. calmly he says "because thats not a t.v., thats a microwave."
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