Ok Last night I had a dream that I was back in Texas(i just moved with my mom a couple months ago in iowa)and I got to see this lovely guy named Charlie. He is like the love of my life right now and we were geting back together but it was weird cause we were like runing up and down this tree and it was some more of my friends there too. I know I was really havin fun being with all my friends again!! so I close my eyes for just a sec and BAM!! we were in this family bar and my mom was there and I was thinking of one of my best friends Addie, and then Charlie was there and my wife ;) Cassie was there and they were having a raffle going on but I was too caught up in the moment to even hear what was going on. Cassie told me they were about to draw and that I should pay attention if you win and I kept asking what it was they were raffling off but no one answered me. Then this lady who was standing on this little stage thing called out a number and Cassie grabbed a ticked that was taped on by back and she said I won!! So I ran through every one who was in total shock and all I herd was crickets (cause I always do that sound when someone says a bad joke and no one laughs!!) so I slid to the front hold ing this ticket really tightley in both of my hands and I yelled at her to tell me the numbers again and she did and it wass the right ones so I'm goin hysterical cause I won and I still don't know what I won!! Finally the lady is slowly handing me this packet of info I need to know about my prize and just as she hands it to me and I read what it is Some lady tells me its a million dollars!!! The first thing that popped into my head was to get my mom a house! then me one! then some bABy stuff(cause my moms pregnant!) and then comes Addie who I was thinking of the whole time cause I was so close to her and yet she doesn't know I'm here, well her b-day is in november and we've always dreamed that we would be able to go on this humungo shopping spree at the malls if we ever win it big!! hehe so I tell the lady that told me I won that I want to get Addie a preveiw of what we were gonna be doing and I was gonna mail it to her from Iowa(i'm still in texas in my dream) so I can get some plan tickets to go to paris or something!! So this really tall lady takes me to this dead mall where there were like no stores on top and I got lost and started to get scared when I saw the lady again(cause she dissappeared when we got to the mall) she's like what on earth are you doing up here? I shrugged my shoulders and she led me to the first floor where it was like a party for shoppers!!! hehe shortly after I started looking around I woke up!
The main reason I wrote this is so that I can record the dreams that I remember but if you can help me find the meaning of this dream than that would be like really awsome!! lol ok thats it thank you who ever reads my confusing dream!!!
mystical me How it changed my life:made me wnt to go shopping!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13432 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .