As a mom of four RESPLENDENT boys, I often find myself compensating time and discepline. Take our three year old for example, he Lothes naps. So being the creative mother that I am, We make special provisions at nappy time.
BonnerMan will not nap. This poor child steps outside the realm of sanity when he hasn't had a morning and evening REJUVINATION time. Mom here suffers from Insomnia, so BonnerMans nap time is Mama's Nap time. (HEY! at least one of us looks forward to thirty minutes of serinity and lucid dreaming)
Every morning after we have been up for two hours, we lie down for a morning nap. I have learned to keep BonnerMan in bed. Morning Ritualistic nap time means I have to run my arm up or down his pullup and britches, putting my arm on bear skin (Sometimes poo, if that is what he decides to do in slumber) and locking it there to insure the little faker dosn't run amuk once I am asleep. (I find this very effective, eigther I loose an arm or he sleeps)Typicaly, I win.
Last night Collin (LOTI) and I were both restless. It was four A.M. before we weren't suffering from the "Jimmy Legs" (to get that one you have to be a Seinfeild fan)
We were both about to Doze off, and both suffering from sleep deprivation and stress were, Oh so glad! I just had a strange feeling and looked up, I saw Bonnerman in the hall. He had been sleepwalking. He rambled for a bit and Daddy took him back to bed. I apparently fell asleep with my sweet boy on my mind.
I, a very Lucid dreamer, thought that as I lie in bed my Arm was being ripped off. I can't describe to you the pain I was feeling in my left Arm.
(GOD! Are you Gonna love this!)
I was (In my sleep) crying out in pain. BUT..As I was Strangly awakened, I hear very unfimilar words to my dream. "Judi, get it out!" "Loose it" "OR" "Loose it" "Lake it out!" "JUDI!" "GET IT OUT!" "Move it!" "JUDI" "Take it out!...GET IT OUT!" "JUDI, JUDI!" (One more and it would have been like a Movie!) My arm felt as if it was being ripped off and burning and Numb.
I awoke to my own Words, "Steven! be still!, Go back to sleep!" "Steven! Stop Wiggiling and be still, close your eyes!, go back to sleep!"..."STEVEN!"
I AlSo HeAr...."JUDI!"...Get it out!"
Voice of Confusion and reasoning both kick in at this point!
It seems MOM had ran her arm up her husbands pants thinking that it was our sweet BonnerMan's! I guess I just didn't want him getting away. The funny thing is Collin seemed so irritated when it happened and I was SOOOO looking forward to him filling in the missing pieces of last night. He remembers nothing. When I asked him to fill in the pieces he remembered only being roused, but, nothing more.
So Once again I have let you into the life and world of ours that I dearly love and never take for granted, for I couldnt ask for more that what I have right now.
If I were to die right this moment I would have lived the best life and happiest moments that anyone could ever ask for. Oh, Sure, we all have our downs, but, its funny, they don't seem that down when you look at them in the perspective of love and contientment.
Many hugs and love to all of you here, you have all made life more lovable! always...:p You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 33922 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .