Try to say these!!!
* who sews whose socks? sue sews sue's socks. who sees who sew. whose new socks, sir? you see sue sew, sues new socks sir.
*who comes? crow comes. slow joe crow comes. who sews crows clothes. sue sews crows clothes. slow joe crow sews whose clothes? sues. clothes.
* ben bends bims broom. bim bends bens broom. bims bends. bens bends. bens bent broom breaks. bims bent broom breaks.
* luke luck likes lakes. lukes duck likes lakes. luke luck licks lakes. lukes duck licks lakes. duck takes licks in lakes luke luck likes. luke luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.
* through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. while these fleas flew freezy breeze blew. freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. freezy trees made these trees cheese freeze. thats what made these three free fleas sneeze.
* when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle.. they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle and..when beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottles on a poodle and the poodles eating noodles.. they call this a muddle puddle tweedle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle and..when a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle eating poodle, this is what they call .. a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled muddled duddled fuddled wuddled.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .