Everyday you go about Wanting to know if this Life is worth it just to Die would take away The pain but then you Take a second and look Around
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
Stand back take another Look its there deep Within you everything You own and stand for
Look at the children how They look back at you With those eyes
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
Trust me I know how It feels all the pain No one cares about you But you, just to get Away
You want to run away To kill this pain to Let it vanquish to Vanish from reality
The truth is though that You don't have to guts To say No and to Run
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
So now you've broken down A crying shame thoughts of Suicide flowing through you Try to run and hide but It's all so real
There's no running away this Time everything you say Is another contridiction of This Life we're living how We aren't here everyone Knows
And now it seems right To run and to get away From this pain to leave It all behind
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
Every word I say Is another contridiction Of what you do Why this goes on I'll Never know
You can't survive in yourself But in me you can so You rush over and fall To your knees you act in Worship but I know What you want
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
So you wanna talk about Drugs, death, and suicide? Let's go let's do it You can kill me or Start drugs and kill Yourself
Now you can't cause You're too scared to And I thought life Was supposed to be So peaceful and Loving I was wrong
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
You wasted it all Just for a second Glimps at what this Life has to offer So much to win and To loose I can't take It
Look back and see What we had and What we lost so Confused about this Time we have together
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
You think you stand for Nothing but you have Those little faces calling You "Mommy, mommy, We're hungry"
So why waste it all? Being a mother ain't All that bad is it? Na I didn't think so So just let it slide For a minute or two Your life's gonna end Soon any ways cause You just ODed on pills
This time you survived Got your stomach pumped Spent a couple of days In the hospital and Now there's a counselor There for you so talk About your problems The kids and that Boyfriend what'd they Ever do to you?
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
Did they love you too much? Did they not love you enough? You think it's better this way?
So now you're gonna kill Yourself Go ahead see how It is see all the grief That you leave behind It's gonna follow you Around forever
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For
Cause it ain't enough To take this life and To waste all you stand For You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 41515 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .