Date: 5/25/2002 6:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
Ya shoulda just stuck your tongue out at her, and told her to go first  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 38989
you could confront her, tell her how much it hurt ya.  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 5252
*claps hands* ....i'm ugly..i want the world to know!!! don't worry hun, she's probably jealous. don't let her get to you. like they saying goes 'you can pick your friends, not your family' you could say ...'if you're a wench and you know it, clap your hands' and look at her, and ask her why she didn't clap!  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 16442
You should not rely on other people for your beauty! Look at yourself and see all the beautiful things about yourself. If you rely on the world to tell you that you are beautiful you will continually be disappointed. EVERYONE is attractive in their own way and you need to realize that that counts for YOU TOO.  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 28946
Awwww Sweetie, that was very unkind. Next time perhaps if she says something like that again, say, "You clap first Dear Cousin! We do have the same blood" Then smile sweet and innocent.  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 50864
Just ignore them Never let people see that thier put downs have hurt you they are simply not worth it And do not sit in your room Jeset get out there and show the whole world how beautiful you are both outside and inside Hugs Mrs. Strider  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 48279
Thats just rude! Dont listen to her! Whats her oppinion anyway huh? Nothing. No one is ugly. Everyone is unique on the outside as well on the inside. Dont listen to her, you dont deserve that at all! I have the same problem cause my hair is short and I feel like a boy, and when my friends say things like that I feel so little and wanna dig a hole. The way to solve it is to just ignore all that (and i know its hard) ... but you ignore it and build your confidence. I still feel like a boy sometimes, but I make fun of myself about it kinda. Your a beutiful person, and shouldnt have to go through that. ~Hereisanameforyou  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 1631
LOL @ DC...  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 14780
everyone is different and i bet your much prettier than her!! dont let it get you down!!!  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 52358
aww that was very mean,,you should say something to her.,,i think that maybe she isnt a very good friend**chic_unv**  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 36909
She was probably just being sarcastic, and probably figured that you didnt take it personally. And thats probably the reson why she didnt say sorry. I wouldnt worry about it! Next time, do something back! lol ....Mahooty  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 36994
i know that "theres a beauty in different ways for every person" even so, your right, don't believe what she says...we are all beautiful, i don't think i am...have a good day, mean couzin person that said that [-(  |
Date: 5/25/2002 6:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 34775
You need to get some very long sharp pins, some cloth and yarn, and fashion a voodoo doll of your cousin out of them..and, can pick where you stick the!!! Always helps me!:0 Just kidding, in reality, girls are very catty...and she is more than likely jealous of you in some sounds exactly like it. If ignoring her doesn't work, heck maybe you can sit down and write out a little dittie for your cousin yourself...something like.."If your stupid and you know it clap your hands..."  |
Date: 5/25/2002 7:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 15997
That was really mean of her...i'm sorry she did that to you. i'm sure you're a beautiful person inside and out...dont let anyone tell you different. she seems like the one with low self-esteem if she had to put you down...she might even be jealous. please dont feel that way about urself sweety. *Big Hugs*  |
Date: 5/25/2002 8:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 53961
All of us were created with love by the hands of God who doesn't make ugly. Only the world does that. Just remember, "God Doesn't Make Junk!" Hey,Hey,Paula  |
Date: 5/25/2002 9:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 53409
i havent ever seen you, but i bet your not THAT ugly...i doubt you any worse than me anyways...a lot of my best friends now over the past few years have called me miss piggy, and i wasnt really all that huge, there were deffinantly people bigger than me, but anyways, they are my BFs now and yesterday one of them asked me why i had such low self esteem and i slapped him, cause he didn't understand, so dont let people get to you like that, just was more than likly just joking anyways... good luck *hugz* ~*~Superficial Sister*~*  |
Date: 5/26/2002 2:54:00 AM
From Authorid: 6050
**Clapping my hands loudly** That is so mean..why do certain ppl have to be that way..ugh! Sorry for her ignorance  |
Date: 5/26/2002 8:12:00 AM
From Authorid: 47218
Dahling, your cousin is an immature, little twerp. Are you really going to take HER opinion seriously? Do you think a person like this has a clue about anything? Puh-leeze, just blow her off. I remember how it is to be young and self conscious, but at some point you will realize that some people are just idiots and you can't please everyone.  |
Date: 5/26/2002 9:30:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47983
Thank you everyone! =o). I would not take what she said about me seriously.. but it hurt.. but I would NOT take it seriously. Thank you all!  |
Date: 5/26/2002 9:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 51070
Awww...don't feel bad. I know how you feel. I'm clapping my hands right now as well. Heh heh. But a lot of people are like that, especially if they're insecure about themselves. My cousin, who's four years younger than me, acts like that sometimes, but I look at her, see what type of a person she is on the inside, and don't take it personally. Don't let some idiot's words get to you. I used to be called 'dogface' in middle school by a very cruel, very unpopular guy who nobody liked. I could see why, too! He had nothing nice to say about anybody and felt so insecure that he had to go rip on a girl! But I got him in trouble for harrassment. You should talk to your parents, maybe. Good luck and ignore that bullcrap.  |
Date: 5/27/2002 9:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 54063
I know how you feel. sometimes I don't think people realize how much these things hurt. I think you should avoid and/or ignore this person at all times. If theyhurt you, they are neither a good friend or a good cousin. WiccaGal |