Date: 5/24/2002 8:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 36909
I think they should put up a memorial in that area instead of the new WTC. They could have a mueseaum of what they found, and etc.... Dr. Muess  |
Date: 5/24/2002 8:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 33922
I think it should be recognized as a sacred burial ground...but with a monument...even if that means it is a new Building...maybe all the names of victims should be in the lobby wall or on an approiate floor in recognition of what happened in marble and have gold placed in it as a valuable like a reminder in a cheriched metal  |
Date: 5/24/2002 8:48:00 PM
From Authorid: 15675
I agree a memorial or it will be cursed i think  |
Date: 5/24/2002 8:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 15070
a memorial, a monument with an eternal flame.and we should never, never forget!  |
Date: 5/24/2002 9:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 53836
a park with statues honoring both victims and heroes...I am leary of them building up this site as it is sacred, but I think as you mentioned a monument in the likings of the Vietnam memorial would be embraced by all the world~SpaceCase  |
Date: 5/24/2002 11:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 48129
I most definately think a memorial to honor those lives lost and to make certain we will never forget...
*~ChicaBella~*  |
Date: 5/24/2002 11:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 49498
The world trade center kept new york up on its feet. though when it was there it was thought of as ugly. i say build one stronger building, about 70-80 stories high on half the site, and leave the other half as memorial  |
Date: 5/25/2002 12:59:00 AM
From Authorid: 37038
i like the wall idea with the eternal flame that sounds respectful. as for rebuilding to me sounds just to freaky the towers would be haunted with all those poor souls  |
Date: 5/25/2002 1:10:00 AM
From Authorid: 3321
Well, look at this realistically. The landowners need to make some sort of profit, and New York needs a substitute for the WTC. I am willing to bet they rebuild on there, likely etching the names into marble on the building, maybe. The ground there is basically a graveyard, but I wouldn't call it sacred...  |
Date: 5/25/2002 11:27:00 AM
From Authorid: 9130
they should rebuild the area, but also put up some sort of monument as well.  |