Ah, nu-metal. What many of my friends call "prep metal". And yet, I enjoy listening to it. Aside from the cliched lyrics, some of the bands in this genre really do have something to offer... Ill Nino being a prime example.
The lyrics aren't great, no. But this is made up for by the vocalist himself... he possesses an excellent voice, a voice that can change from a death metal-esque scream to a wonderful singing voice. Sometimes he even sings/screams in Spanish, which is a wonderful idea, and gives this band a very unique sound at times. Always a plus in my book.
The two guitarists do a brilliant job. They blend perfectly together with the drummer. Everything just comes together, and the music just... flows, I guess would be the appropriate term. The best example of this would have to be "Unreal", which is an absolutely amazing song, or "Rip Out Your Eyes", which is an awesome, very heavy song. The last song on the album, "With You", has an entirely Latin sound to it, and is very calm compared to the rest of the music contained on this disc. All in all, a wonderful first effort from a promising band. -madhatter87 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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