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If the messiah never came, how come judaists don't do animal sacrifice?

  Author:  36079  Category:(Debate) Created:(5/24/2002 8:20:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (2363 times)

The hey if I know! I don't see anywhere in the OT that says to stop, in the NT when they brang Jesus to the preists soon after birth, they sacrifced a dove or 2? I don't get it. According to the OT u need blood sacrifice to attone for sins, or your sins would not be foriven, am I missing something?

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Date: 5/24/2002 8:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    Good question. Been a while since I have thought of that ... lol
Date: 5/24/2002 8:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 53129    man makes errors in their writing?  
Date: 5/24/2002 8:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Because they (the Hebrews) require their Temple, as in the "Temple of David". One the Old Temple is rebuilt, using the Wailing Wall, in the area near the Dome of the Rock, they will resume sacrifices......  
Date: 5/24/2002 8:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    That wouldnt cover that though. Jewish beliefs center around making an atonment for their sins. Thats why Christias dont do it. christ was our ultimate sacrifice. This wasnt an error in text.
Date: 5/24/2002 8:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    Solomon's temple wasnt the only temple for sacrifice before. Why is it that way now?
Date: 5/24/2002 8:54:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    Temples were built thousands of years after creation, I don't think the temple thing cuts it cuz they didn't always do it in temples.  
Date: 5/24/2002 8:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 53836    Jesus was the final sacrifice, His blood washes away all sins. The Messiah came, I swear it!~SpaceCase  
Date: 5/24/2002 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    Hey Space Case! too bad Jews dont believe jesus was the Messiah ... lol ... it would be easy for them to answer in that case !LOL But oh well!
Date: 5/24/2002 9:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 17525    You are missing something SP, you're missing logic and it's good you see it too. To know God is to understand that God has no need for blood sacrifices, and indeed no interest in blood at all, human or animal. I'm not sure what it is that demands sacrifices in blood or teaches that blood washes away anything, but it certainly isn't God. JMO  
Date: 5/24/2002 9:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 53836    I don't think throwing stones will win you any points and I will not pick on the Jews, but would simply offer that they read the KJV and think about how crummy Jews (as a whole) have had it...If I were Jewish and read the prophesies on Jewish suffering due to the denial to Jesus, I would strongly consider changing my mind~SpaceCase  
Date: 5/25/2002 1:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 27678    I am so glad you asked this question, cause I've wondered the same thing myself. Hopefully, a person who is Jewish can answer this question for us.  
Date: 5/25/2002 1:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 27678    And nothing against our Jewish friends, but if they are God's chosen people, and don't believe in Jesus or sacrifice animals for sin, as in their O.T. laws, does this mean, they are all already in the door? Do they need to repent of sin, or does their blood afford them the luxury of a one way ticket to God? What about the Christians and their support? How can they be God's chosen without Jesus? How do Christians justify the "God's chosen people," end of the spectrum? Wouldn't this go against our beliefs, or are we considered Gentiles, or what?  
Date: 5/25/2002 8:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 53326    The Jewish race was chosen to the one from which Christ would come from. That is why they are the chosen people.
Date: 5/25/2002 4:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 52140    ok... well, God says something, He does it. Jesus was the Messiah, rejected by the Jews. Sacrifice was also worship, God had Abraham sacrifice to worship Him and to make the covenant. I don't really get it. I haven't studyed sacrifices yet. All you really need to know now is that Jesus is an atonement for our sins. Go to a Christian book store and see if they have written any books on sacrifice.
Date: 5/25/2002 9:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 17525    I find it rather a telling statement that only the Jews believe themselves to be the 'chosen people'. If the Arabs had said the same thing and wrote a book of fables to back it up, would we also believe them?  
Date: 5/25/2002 9:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    If anyone of the Jewish faith has the answer to this, like a genuine answer to this, please mssage me. I know the Christian answer, but I wnna know how, within the JEWISH faith it isnt neccessary. Thanks
Date: 5/26/2002 8:54:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    I know Jesus' blood wiped away all sins, but the Jews do not believe him to be the son of God. I myself believe what it says in theBible, That no one come to the father except by him.  
Date: 5/26/2002 9:13:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    Osiris, we do not believe in the same God, and you do not understand my God out of all te things I know is that we needed a blood sacrifice to attone for or sins. I will tell you why. In the Garden of Eden Beore the fall Adam and Eve were perfect, they were holy, totally unblemished by sin, we were never meant to die, ad we had a two way commnication with the creator himself. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they made themselves imperfect, they lost communication with God, only someone who is pure of sin can wl with God. Another thing that came with sin wa death, it says in the Bible that all sin leads to death (and hell). In order toattone for sins they needed something to die in there place for those sins, or all communicatin with Godwould b gone resulting in hell. The sacrific ws made with the best of your animals, the first born, the one viod of scars, disease, sickness, or impefections, only the best would do. The onlyway we could achieve Heaven, without yearly sacrifice was to have the ultate sacrice, an unbemished human. Thi is impossible for us becouse we are of the Line of Adam and Eve, made impure, unable not to sin. The only way to get a pure ultimate sacrifice was for someone not of Adam and Eves line to come to earth and step in and take this burden. That is why God came, in the form of his son and was born to us Jesus. The first born, unblemished devod of sin perfect sacrifice. Since his death we have nomore need of animalsacrifice. Now you understand a bit why, my God needed this.  
Date: 5/26/2002 10:06:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    Free girl, it says in the Bible that you must believe that Jesus went to the cross for your sins, and oly through him would you be saved. So just becose they are jewish, that will not save them. Yeah, we're consideed gentiles lol, but Jesus came to save the gentiles, the jews were doing everything right in the first place. As long as they followed Gods plan they were fine, of course many didn't. Not all jews follow judaism, there are many that believed in Jesus, just like back when Jesus was alive.  
Date: 5/26/2002 10:19:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    Osiris, a book of fables? cmon, most all of the events in the Bible have been proven to be true, sodom and gomorrah, the flood, varoius battles, jericho, the parting ofthe red sea, and many more have all been proven by science as having happened. There were writings that talk of things in the Bible by non believers.
Now if te historics, and most of the scientifics have been proven, why doeseveryting else have to be fables? I mean Opsi proves the Bible saying that we were made perfect, but time has disinegrated our genes, how come the Bible talks ofd dragons, when we didn't find out about them tillike 200 years ago or something. sory but calling the Bible just a book of fables I think is a lil weak.
Date: 5/26/2002 8:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 17525    Well Smurfpoo, you can think what you wish. But tha claims of these 'findings' as you call them haven't happened quite as you may believe. The flood? Science has proven that there have been many floods in many cultures at many different times. There was never a single great flood that covered the whole earth. And the Jews are not the only ones to account for the floods. Does that make the Sumerian's right too and the Native Americans? Jericho? yes it has been found as best thay can tell, but if you have read anything recent on the subject, you'd know that there weren't any walls at all. They were never there. Jericho was peopled while the Egyptian empire was still providing protection for those areas as they were vassels of Egypt and thus there were no need for walls during that time period. The parting of the Red Sea? I'd sure like to know how science could prove such a thing. If you do some additional reading, you'll also find that the original was the "Sea of Reeds"; ie, the swampland to the north of the Red Sea. It was mistranslated. Also, you'll find that there are absolutely NO records in the ancient Egyptian legends or writings of a mass Exodus of people called Israel. There is also no evidence ANYWHERE in the areas of their supposed wanderings (for 40 years) of ANY ancient encampments. NONE! There is ONE ancient Egyptian story of the ousting of the "Hixsos" (sp) people from Egypt. No one called Israelites or Jews. I'll still stand by the fables claim until unbiased archaeology demonstrates that these things actually took place. Current Archaeology in Israel will not support the stories at all. Check out a book called "The Bible Unearthed". Just a suggestion.  
Date: 5/26/2002 10:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 34476    Is there such a thing as "unbiased archaeology", Osiris? I don't believe there is .....  
Date: 5/27/2002 6:35:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    It has been shown that deep within the earth there are large caverns a mile or so deep, that still hold some water today, they believe at the time of the flood these caverns were full of water and that most of the water was underneath th eart, and that the earth was mainly flat. They believe a hair crack in the earth exploded it open shooting rocks and water in the air. One proof of this is the mountians along the edgeds of the atlantic ocean, and the deep caverns below, showing that the moving of the earths crust during that time of the eart opening. As far as the other records of floods it is believed it was left in tat land before the flood, or the relatives of noah and his sons had populated the earth andcarried the story wit them and kept records with them. There is also the matter of all the dinos dieing, and a mass flood would explain it. Especially since there have been so many accounts of dinosuars all through out the years, and stories of nights slaying dragons, the chinese dragons, there also essy and champ, as well as peope today claiming toi see creatures that look like dinos today, the flood theory would explain why there have been all these acounts through out the years. As far as Jericho not aving walls, Id have to look in to it. Yeah, I head of the red sea bit, but all hear say, I'm not believin that until I here it for myself from several different interpreters. As far as proof, they have found chariots and other different things along the bottom of the red sea. They have found at a specific part of the sea that there is a..... small passage that is not too far under the water, when the water is flowing a certian way you could actually walk it. Somebody, I'm thinking of that lil dude was it napolean o something? Well this guy found out about te crossing at the red sea and attempted walking it but ended up slippng off halfway through, lol, but thats documented. Actually they have found somethings of encampments. One thing I would like to point out is that ramseys first born did die, and somhow, him above all other pharoahs had such respect for all his children that he had picturs for each duaghter on those burial walls, and most if not allthere names were present, even the ones by his concubines. Most pharoahs but little mention of duaghters, ussually no mention of any children by concubines, let alone there names. Maybe the loss of his firstborn child, in such a tragic way, could account for his great love for all his children? As far a ancient eygptian writings I am unsure.  
Date: 5/27/2002 6:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    I get most of my info from unexplained mysteries, there is some biased and some unbiased opinion on the show at each show. On PAX if u want to check itout, there isn't just biblical stuff on the show either half of the show is regular stuff, they have things on jfk, the mars pictures, so u won't be bored through half of it. lol  
Date: 5/27/2002 8:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 17525    Hey Smurfpoo, just a note, I got rid of my TV 2.5 years ago :-) Anyway, here's a bit of info on the Noah story: "The Biblical flood story, the "deluge" was a late offshoot of a cycle of flood myths known everywhere in the ancient world. Thousands of years before the Bible was written, an ark was built by the Sumerian "Ziusudra". In Akkad, the flood hero's name was Atrakhasis. In Babylon, he was Uta-Napishtim. In Greece he was Deucalion who repopulated the earth after the waters subsided and his ark landed on Mount Parnassos. In Armenia, the hero was Xiusithros (a corrpution of the Sumerian Ziusudra) whose ark landed on Mount Ararat. In the original Chaldean account, the hero was told "Build a vessel and finish it. By a deluge i will destroy substance and life. Cause thou to go up into the vessel the substance of all that has life." Also, the image of Osiris of Egypt was by the priests shut up in an ark on the 17th day of Athyr (Nov. 13), the very same day and month on which Noah is said to have entered his ark."

Noah is said to have had 3 sons one of which named: Japeth The Sumerian hero also had 3. one of which was named Japetosthes The Indian deluge hero Menu had 3 also, one named Pra-japati or Jvapeti

Regarding the sons, Japeth,Shem and Ham, author John Hazelrigg tells us: "These parallel the Hindu version of the same myth, wherein 'Menu Satyvrah' figures as Noah, and Sherma, Charma and Jvapeti are the offspring."

Date: 5/27/2002 9:39:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36079    Hw in the world do you know that Noah wasn't the one who was in the ark then people creatingother religoins sid it was there people who were in the ark? A archeologist, before the palistineans pu guards up around mount ararat went i search for the ark. But had to leave before finding it, he brang back however a peice of wood that dated back so many of thousands of years ago around the time the flood would happened.  
Date: 5/27/2002 9:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    SmurfPoo, I guess there aren't any Jewish buds around to answer your questions. I did a post regarding Pre, Post Millineumism, and it seems that the views are different now, as in the last hundred years, regarding whether the Jews are going to need to accept Jesus or not. I'll find the url, as perhaps you'd find it interesting.  
Date: 5/27/2002 9:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    SmurfPoo, I guess there aren't any Jewish buds around to answer your questions. I did a post regarding Pre, Post Millineumism, and it seems that the views are different now, as in the last hundred years, regarding whether the Jews are going to need to accept Jesus or not. I'll find the url, as perhaps you'd find it interesting.  
Date: 5/27/2002 9:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm215331.html

Here ya go, sweetie. BTW, great posts!

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