Half of you can't stomach Me let alone stand me "But waht if you win her Heart?" Why so you can say "Not Only was he famous he Had the most beautiful girl?"
Forget that I don't need That and I don't need This so just forget it
Cause this is the last one That I'll ever write for The sake of being with You
You can say what you Want and feel what you Want but that won't Change me
Cause this is the last one That I'll ever write for The sake of being with You
Cause you can't change me I just go down everything Inside of me is in you
Just wait your turn cause It's a coming and I really Don't need this so turn Away
Cause this is the last one That I'll ever write for The sake of being with You
Cause you can't change me I just go down everything Inside of me is in you
You can't change me Everything I say is Another deception of My life so change me
You try to run away But I catch you again What a life we live
I can't think without seeing You and I can't go without Hearing you I just try to Tell myself it's just a figment Of the imagination but are you?
Cause this is the last one That I'll ever write for The sake of being with You
Cause you can't change me I just go down everything Inside of me is in you
You can't change me this is
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .