Beyond a world of visions Where seas turn into mud I see a little city Full of turmoil and crud Everyone who lives here Never has a place to go They hide in there little shantys And dream of nothing more They come and go TO please themselves And see where they profit from However, in this town There was beauty to unfold
A little child was standing Standing in teh stone She turned to look upon a man Who in turned frowned and stood alone He had a wall street journal He needs to make a buck BUt the little girl took it And said "this aint no luck" She grabbed his hand and led him To another corner down And told him to look inside Where a profit can be found
She said look upon the air and tell me what you see He looked up at the sky and said its nothing but the sea She said take a closer look and see a shining star FOr upon this night she whisperd Your dream can come a live Make a wish and hold it tight And never let it go
He wished for more money and to understand his life The little girl wished for the man to see the light
Years passed and the night came down WHne the man grew old and had no more frowns The little girl stopped to see and she said did you make ur wish He said i know what you mean but in iife i did just this I only made a profit to realize and by my glee but when in fact i should of helped those that did not see
But she said i made my wish It came true this very night For now you realize that this life Does not have to be a fight Now you realize what you want and teach those that you love that life id worth living When in the city of crud.
Krazed Snow Monkie 2002 How it changed my life:Makes ya think...i thought it was You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28767 ( Click here )
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