Ok, for some stupid reason, i can be pretty mean to my boyfriend, i'm not mean to other people, mostly him. But he does it right back, though not as severe as i do it. I've apologized to him, he just laughs and says he has no feelings, remember? But i still feel bad. I think its partly because with my former boyfriend, he didnt walk all over me, its hard to explain. but i think i do thsi to him to be partly in control, that he doesnt have a say in what i do(not that my ex did) but it's almost like i down him so that he doesnt walk all over me. Ok, I know ya'll are pretty confused by nwo, but how can I be nicer to him? Stuff just pops outta my mouth, and i never think of the consequences, please help me, Silent_Scream You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .