i've been coming to this website for a couple weeks now and thought it to be decent, i did some research and was wondering, my mothers side of the family use to have special powers, my grandmother was a psycic(spelling?), My uncle use to practice Voo-doo, and my mother can contact spirts, I thought to myself yeah right whatever, but last night i was sitting in my room, in a comfortable position, crossed my legs, sat on the floor and lit a candle, i closed my eyes and started to relax, i wanted to meditate, so i tried to put my hands together almost like i was praying but the thing was i couldn't get them together, it felt like some kind of wall or invisble thing was there preventing them and it was getting bigger too, i was reading on this website people are saying that it could be psy energy or maaybe ki energy balls forming? I have no clue, I want to be able to control this wall and form it into a ball, Can someone help me i want to learn about this stuff now, and hopefully use it to heal others, thanks How it changed my life:it made me open my eyes up to a whole new horizon You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54889 ( Click here )
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