Once when the sun Shined a blue color and the moon a golden silver, there lived four gods and five goddesses. There was the Wind goddess she was made out of wind and toke the form of a young girl that was like a ghost,She was see through and could take any form,her temple was in the sky on the fluffiest cloud.The Earth goddess had a rock body and toke the form of an old woman and made her hands into weapons,her temple was in the forest atop a tree. The Fire goddess was made out pure fire and toke the form of the fire wolf wich set everything on fire by breathing and had Dark red eyes that burn in the dark, her temple was in the hottest Volcanio and is protected by the fire dragon Vagonla. The water goddess lived in the purest lake and toke the form of a dragon that protects the lake and the heaven tree that had the leave colors of cyan,blue,purple and light purple with the trunk of the color gold, this tree has the power to grant any wish as many times, The tmple lay at the bottom of the tree under water. The Spirt goddess Toke The form of a five year old girl and was like the grim reaper, she toke the spirts of the dead and put them in her temple,which was right above Two grave put you needed to light 26 tourches that go out in 26 seconds when lit unless you light them all to get in the temple. The Sun and Moon god lived together in the sky and toke the shape of to handsome men and there temple was in the garden of the gold and sliver fruit and flowers. The Sand god toke the shape of and old man made out of sand and the temple was serounded by quick sand. The ice god toke the form of a ice swan that glisens in the surondings on the ice temple which is prtected by frezing waters.
There was also an evil queen and king that toke over and killed the first queen and king who made the gods and goddesses happy by only scarificing goats,sheep and deer(which had the best meat,Softest fur,and the hardest bones)but now it was humans and scared animales.
In the Forest lived a little girl. Her name was Moneca. She was 8 years old at this time. She had many firends and many animale friends. Some of her friends where burned,frozen,and killed for the gods and goddesses. A note was givin to her one day and it said "Thee who wants the power of a god must learn to respect the ruler"
(Look for The Gods of the Land part 2) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54740 ( Click here )
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