Late last night and early this morning, my bf, friend and brother decided to use the Ouija Board for the first time. The first place we went to was over by a school and we were able to contact an 8 year old boy. He couldn't spell his name out for some reason. When we asked him what year he left earth or what year he was born in and his spelled out 4T45. Maybe it was 1445. I dunno. He then left and we moved to another spot and contacted another male. He said he didn't want to be disturbed so we let him go. Both of these spirits told us they had 5 spirits with them and none of them could spell. We're thinking it might of been because of the power lines near by, but not too sure. We left that area, went to another place and another spirit didn't want to be disturbed.
After all that, we went to get something to eat and we went over all the letters and numbers that they gave us. My brother was trying to decode it by using the thing when u take the letter A = 1 B= 2 and so forth or A= Z B = Y Etc. He did the decodiing wrong cause he missed some letters, but even by that miss take, the word came out to CPIRT...
I stared at it for a while and gasped. I said out loud "Rest In Peace C. T.??" C. T. are my initals... but we all disagreed on that. Cause my brother messed up on the decoding.
Our last stop was at another park and we had a hard time picking up a spirit there and it was another male.. He started to spell out D....I.....D we all thought that he was going to put a letter E instead of D to spell out Die..but he didn't...that was the only word we got out of him. the other letters were all mixed up.
I had a fun time playing the board and gonna do it again soon! How it changed my life:It didn't, sumtimes i feel like it never really worked or I still can't believe it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53909 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .