48)In terms of weaponry and general equipment for fighting the monster, never reply on any tool more complicated than a pointed stick. Generators will inexplicably run out of power, just as the nasty space vegetable climbs onto your jury rigged electrical grid. Just when you've got the ghoul lined up in your sights, your gun will jam!
49)If you are a female, be careful, easy women are expendable!!
50)Never camp or build homes on Indian burial grounds!!!!
51)Ask why the estate is being sold so cheap!!
52)If the phone lines are dead, and you hear footsteps upstairs, when you are supposed to be alone, don't follow the noises to see who your 'guest' is, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Unless you want to die!
53)Never pick up the phone and call for help, chances are your phone will be dead and the next thing you see is the monster swinging some sort of sharp object!!!!
54)If you have defeated the monster, pay close attention to the camera, if it pans away for no apparent reason at all, get the heck out of there!!!
55)If the master does not approve, neither do you!!!
56)Never handle the rat-monkey cage!
57)Your dog can take care of itself!
58)So can your spouse,lol!
59)And your kids!
60)Self-sacrifice is a bad idea, as the person you saved will usually die anyway!!
61)Skeptics are always proved wrong in some horrible, nasty, painful way. Be a believer !
62)If your not a main character, suicide is a quicker and easier way out,lol!
63)Your plan takes into account all possible situations…except for the one that actually occurs!
64)Don't be a smart-alec. It'll only get you killed!!!
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