i remember going to bed about midnight (which is actually about an hour or so before i usually go to sleep) and there had been nothing special going on recently; just a typical day at work and socially and all. well i know i started dreaming of everything and nothing all at once. (my first question that i would love to have answered is that, is there anyone who knows what i mean by everything and nothing all at once? i mean just like a white backing with all types of numbers and words and thoughts racing right before your eyes; almost exemplifying "life flashing before your eyes" only it's not.) then i remember, although still looking and feeling my age (20)i remember i was basically settled down, retired or whatever (but none of that kind of stuff has any relevance so it was not detailed in my dream) and i was still single and very lonely; MUCH like i am now. i've had the hardest time finding a girl who would treat me good and be faithful to me in the last year and a half or so. but it hit me in my dream that because i was single and lonely, that's how i was going to die. then i became overly melancholic and very disappointed with what my life had turned out to be. hence a few days passed and i dont recall anything about that until just all of a sudden i dreamed i was choking. the only thought i had was "i'm dying without ever knowing true love" and how i have taken life for granted; how quickly life can be snatched out from under you when you least expect it!! of course those thoughts were only in a mere 2 seconds or less, and i remember trying to scream for my mom, only i couldnt get anything out because i WAS choking. it seemed like the choking went on for a long time, the entire time everything went from pitch black to bright white (quickly but gradually changing). and then it seemed as when the bright white came in full it was a flash and i then woke up ACTUALLY CHOKING!! i was having a seizure! of course in the process of which i was still trying to call for my mom. nothing coming out at first, but finally i managed to gasp one good time (and to this day i truly believe it would have been my last gasp!) and screamed once more "MOM!" only that time i forced hard enough to dislodge my tongue from the back of my throat. i must have been choking for a while b/c i know i laid there in bed basically paralyzed for a good 5 min (you know, the lack of oxygen and all can cause you to be brain dead within 6 minutes!) i then realized i was lying in a crusifix position until i could actually sit up. that freaked me a little. then i looked around and it took me, i know at least 10-15 minutes to figure out where i was! (by the way i woke up about 3am with all of this) but the scariest part about it is that i DO live by myself so i have no idea why i was calling for my mom. and what if i had actually choked to death that night?! ya know? the only thing i can figure is that this dream of death, or near-death expereince, if you will, was a "wake-up call" for me to search for someone i can start a relationship with, and stop just 'dating around'. because one of my true deep fears IS dying single and lonely and never to have known true love. and also to take life a little more seriously. if anyone can help me out with this or possibly have a different explanation PLEASE, feel free to contact me! thanks for taking the time to read this!
~chalupa~ How it changed my life:i've begun to look at females from a different point of view. i really would like to find an awesome girl who i could be compatible with. and as i previously stated, anyone who thinks they may be of any assistance (b/c this near death dream has tripped me out) i'm very open-minded to views and opinions! thanks! :) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54181 ( Click here )
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