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Date: 5/11/2002 11:39:00 PM From Authorid: 47877 You speak very well in what you say you hit the nail right on the head every thing has a reason and the reason might be to do something as others would see evil but every thing in life is set its part of the plan for life to grow it must first have a plan and each plan is just another stage in life Dragonate |
Date: 5/11/2002 11:47:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 Thanks for your comment...I wasnt sure anyone would agree with what I was saying...to tell you the truth it was a relief to have someone agree with all this. |
Date: 5/12/2002 5:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 49080
I disagree. I don't think that you would have that view if you could open your eyes and see the difference between good an evil and sometime evil lurks and will not pronounce itself. The devil can appear in any shape. In the bible it says that he was a beautiful angel. So, in many eyes they are seeing that there is no evil because they don't understand or they can't see what lies beneath the skin. Just because because it looks nice doesn't mean that it is not an evil creature. And just because you can't see it doesn't mean that evil doesn't exsist. If you don't understand my comment, ask God to help you see what I mean. ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2002 6:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 39127
Every thing that happens in life does for a reason. Maybe a lesson or ect. Ex: Your a famous track runner and you loose your legs in a car crash why did god do that? Maybe he wanted you to be a role model for those who have disabilities Just because you kept being in track, but maybe with false legs. I get confused alot about the bible. So the best I can do is read it. James 1:6,7 When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Hoped that helped! Light Thunder ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2002 6:48:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
I did a similar post! http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm243560.html and for the record, it may not be a popular view, but I do think that there is no such thing as evil. ![]() ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2002 7:27:00 AM
From Authorid: 15033
Wonder if we could say this about Hitler? or a few serial killers....? ![]() |
Date: 5/12/2002 9:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 53996
I agree with Sweet September, you wouldn't understand God's realism, because you are cought up in you own philosophy, you're blind to the real truth. READ THE BIBLE AND THEN YOU'LL UNDERSTAND THE TRUE MEANING BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. You know I pray for people like you.Give yourself a chance and open mindedly read the BIBLE, and the truth will not only set you free, but it might save your soul. SPIRITUAL PARAMEDIC |
Date: 5/12/2002 12:54:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 Thanks for all your comments and I have read the Bible but I doubt it because humans wrote the Bible and I just cant trust that. Also for thunderhead you said you wonder if we could say this about hitler...well I find hitler to be the perfect example that there is no evil...yes what hitler did was horrible, but the point is someone had to do it and just because he was chosen (by God) to do it does not make him evil. That was his journey in life and an example of God trying to teach or show us something.Alot of people will say that hitler was influenced by satan not god but the truth is that the devil has no real power over us...its all God..the good and the bad...except that in the end it will be good. |
Date: 5/12/2002 4:32:00 PM From Authorid: 53707 you're right, everyone does have a life pattern and yes god knows your every move from birth to death. however, he also gave man a concious and a sense of reasoning to determine right from wrong. it's not as if he is pulling the strings, we make our own choices to do right and wrong, he didn't make our choices for us, therfore evil people do exist because we ultimatey determine our own fate, to do good or bad, its just that god already knows what we are going to do, but he doesn't have anything to do with our choice to do it. good question though, it made me think =p |
Date: 5/12/2002 4:55:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 Thats very interesting what you are saying, but it sounds like you're contradicting yourself. God knows what we are going to do but he doesn't have anything to do with our choices. Well that doesn't really make sense....if we are already pre-destined to be evil or good then our choices really have no influence. You said that god knows how we are going to be in life but we make our own choices-if we are already on a path then our choices dont matter-do you see what I am saying? So you see evil doesnt exist...all that exists is earthly perceptions made by humans who cant fully comprehend the master plan of God. Humans see something and they cant help but label it-but for God labels such as good and evil dont exist...all there is, is your role and how the journey will affect the future of spiritulaism not earth or humans for this is nothing but the physical life...the soul is immortal...and your energy even if it is "good" or "evil" is still very powerful either way and that is what god is looking for. |
Date: 5/12/2002 7:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 53707
no you misunderstood my point, im saying, in a nut shell, that god didn't say "okay the next baby i create will be created to do evil in the world and the next child after that will do good" im saying that god already knows our destiny in life He Knows our plans and what we will do at all times, But he DOES NOT make our choices for us, man makes choices/decisions themselves and yes although GOD already knows who will be the evil of mankind and who will be good, he doesn't make humans this way, people CHOOSE to be this way. let's look at this perspective, people have a choice to believe in GOD right? so if what you are saying about evil not exisiting is true, why then is it up to man to choose to live with GOD or be in eternal damnation? (im sure you agree that GOD does not predetermine who winds up in heaven and who goes to hell)in no way is one DESTINED as you say to be evil or good, CHOICES IN LIFE MAKE PEOPLE THIS WAY. just as choices in life will determine someone going to heaven or hell. my point is, it is not written that one person is to do evil in the world just because there life is already known by GOD, he knows it will be like this but He didnt make it this way. evilness is not an idea people thought of from thin air, its based around the ten commandments, if you disobey then you sin and sin is bad or evil depending on your interpetation of it. give this a thought, i don't think im wrong. |
Date: 5/12/2002 8:34:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 Ok I understand what youre saying but I dont believe in hell...yes I believe in heaven (even though not how you might see it), but in hell...no. To me there is no hell because no one can be punished for what type of life they are born in. And I have a question for you...if god knows what your choices are going to be (be them good or evil) then that means there is no room for change or for you to grow and make different choices and if did that happen would god put you back on the destiny he foresaw for you?...and if he knows you are going to be "evil" then why does he allow you to be born?...maybe just maybe because "evil" is needed for the world and thus evil does not exist if it is just as essential as good and created by god...maybe for god evil isnt evil maybe its just a human thing that for him has absolutely no value since if we had no physical body evil couldnt even be commited. I will say it again there is no punishment because God allows you to be born as how you are and doesnt stop your life and because of this he cannot punish you for something he could have prevented...because certainly you couldnt have.You must think of it on a different level , on a spiritual level...if we were all just spirits the murder wouldnt be possible, stealing wouldnt be possible....all sins would not be possible...and for god that is all he sees the potenial you have to the world plan not what you do in this miserable life which for all we know could be hell and just a test of the mind and how much you can bear to final reach a point where you will just be pure energy focusing on doing gods will whatever it may be. We are all just energy and our fight to survive on this planet is nothing...in the whole scheme of things us as humans are not that important. God created the world then he destroyed it and then he created it again...is he evil..no I dont think so...he is just a superior being trying to fill us with knowledge. |
Date: 5/12/2002 10:05:00 PM From Authorid: 53707 if you belive in the bible and in JESUS, that he died for our sins, then evil MUST exist in the eyes of the LORD, otherwise what would he be dying for? but you made some really strong points i just don't agree |
Date: 5/13/2002 1:43:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 I'm really happy that we can debate this without jumping at each others throats...now youve made me wonder about Jesus(since I do believe in him to some extent). I've aways wondered why Jesus' sacrifice which I consider sucide wasnt considered evil...isnt all form of murder a sin? Anyways God loves everyone right?...the good and the evil and since he does I believe that he sees everything differently and that is why he can love those that seem to be "evil" by all defintions. Everything has a reason and a purpose and even though tragic, horrible things happen in this world and are caused by some people does that not mean that not everyone is capable...I believe everyone is evil (in their earthly bodies)...we are weak and give in to temptation and yet we are able to be good even through our evil actions.... doesnt that cancel out evil? If everyone is tainted with sin and can cross the "line" between good and evil doesnt that mean that evryone is just a soul with a body looking to find something to hold on to-love, happiness (even though all that is relative-what you believeto be bliss might be hell for someone else and vice versua). We all make mistakes and do things that we regret but only do them for something we wanted to feel-so does that make us evil? No. You may say that some dont feel regret but trust me everyone suffers in their own way and if they dont then thats a mental incapacity which again cannot be punished if your earthly life made you that way or if you were just born like that. I dont know if evil exists or not and it is good for me to question everything but no one can be sure about anything so I will stop wondering because my mortal brain cannot figure it out. |
Date: 5/13/2002 7:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 54031
you are so right....some one once told me "You know, I dont believe in h*ll. I believe parents and old people say that to scare children into doing right." BUt if that is true cant say that they didnt try. I do believe in evil though i dont worship it. One thing i came up with is what you believe in is what will happen to you. You believe in the devil and continue to do bad things you're going down six feet. If you only believe in God and do right, you possibly go into heaven, though God does Mention a devil, no doubt. I just think keep doing your thing and we'll see when Jesus does or doesnt come back, but with all my heart i believe he will be back and there is a heaven for the people. good post thanks ~ Nae Nae 205~ ![]() |
Date: 5/15/2002 2:43:00 PM From Authorid: 229 I too believe in destiny. Everything has a course in life whether good or bad. And yes, that means that the bad people are put here to murder and whatever else because it is the destiny of the unfortunate victims. However, to believe in God we must also believe in Satan the Angel that was kicked out of heaven. If God is true, Satan is true, so for Satan to be true it means "evil" is real. Satan is so evil that he tries to spread himself here on earth to the people. I believe that God is testing us to see who follows Satan and who follows him. In turn, it's unfortunate but there are victims along the way. In the end though, God will take all his children to heaven, even the one's that chose to follow Satan. The Bible says that the only unforgivable sin to God is suicide. Maybe this is because God feels he put us all here for his master plan and if we take our own life we are saying to God that we don't trust his choices for our invidual being on earth. |
Date: 5/15/2002 7:43:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 Why has there to be a Satan if there is a God...I know youve probably heard this if youre a Christian but what basis does this have, and what does it exactly mean? Think about it- why does there HAVE to be a devil if theres a god? |
Date: 5/15/2002 10:53:00 PM From Authorid: 229 But what is the basis for anything really. We are each taught something we believe to be true. As a Southern Baptist I was taught that Lucifer was one of God's Angels. But he betrayed God and was kicked out of Heaven, so in turn he was going to avenge God by gathering as many of us as he could to go on his side. I don't believe in hell, but I do believe in this Angel that betrayed God. But I agree with you that my belief has no more basis than anyone else's, other than the fact that the Bible says so. We could all be wrong, yet we could all be right, none of us we'll know until we reach that plateau in our lives, which is death. Only then we'll any of us know the truth. |
Date: 6/11/2002 1:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 37872
I don't necessarily disagree with you on whether or not anyone is evil. I just don't quite understand the assumption that God pre-ordained anything for anyone, and that for there to be a master plan, there has to be pre-made destinies that God gave to everyone. How would you describe free will? And how could you explain how it is that alot of people go through life constantly trying to change their lives, and others go through it trying to accept their lives? I think that's it's unfair to really try to describe God's master plan based on those that are considered "evil", who are really few and far in between those that are considered "good". Would it really be so far fetched to think of a world with no "evil" doings in it? A history with no horrible acts of inhumanity? How would that be less according to the master-plan, if it were so? And after all, shouldn't that be the end result of the master-plan? And if that were so, what should it matter if there were any "evil" anyways?![]() |
Date: 6/17/2002 11:47:00 PM From Authorid: 55244 i think somewhere in the bible it says something to the effect of "to god all things are good, all are just" |
Date: 6/19/2002 11:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 54987
Thank you for being brave enough to put forward that theory with so many fundamentalist Christians breathing down our necks... my only objection is the capitals... they hurt my eyes. ![]() |
Date: 6/21/2002 3:25:00 PM From Authorid: 55701 no, life isn't random. there is fate. that fate is uncontrollable and impossible to calculate. fate is comprised on present and past. think about it. |
Date: 6/27/2002 12:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 53500
Well, let's look at what you are saying and how your put forth your question. You start off by focusing people on God, as in the Christian God. When doing this you've now set up a "box" in which you must operate. Ok, so we've got the Christian God, and now we must answer the question you posed using the box we are in. We can't bring in outside sources in other words. Well from a Christian view, man (and angels) is of free will, we are not predestined to do anything. So I see these post as a post that can't get off the ground. There's nothing to back up "pre destiny". Someone may think that, but dealing under modes set up at the original post, it cancels out. In short, man is of free will so no one is born good or evil. We are born sinners but that's it. Look at 1 Timothy 2:3,4 . "This is good, and pleases God our Savior, WHO WANTS ALL ME TO BE SAVED and to come to a knowledge of truth." God very much desires all me to be good and saved, but alas, through free will some men chose not to be. ![]() |
Date: 6/27/2002 2:26:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37478 I wasnt referring to a "christian god"...actually I have no religion....i am not christian....i only believe in a higher being then us but not in any of the "history" or other beliefs people might have about the bible, holidays, rituals, whats right and wrong, etc. All I was trying to say was that the world is a stage and we are actors....which makes it impossible for someone to be labeled as good or evil...it is merely the part you play. I only used the word "god" because it refers to a supreme/supernatural ruler....the only reason I said this was a theory for those that believe in a god is because if you dont then you will likely find the whole concept of there being a pattern a.k.a fate/destiny total rubbish. I will say it again....the god mentioned in my post is not any specific god of any specific religion. |
Date: 6/28/2002 7:47:00 AM
From Authorid: 53500
As for playing parts, those parts need to be defined. There is no way to eliminate good or evil. Looking at it from a "Play" point of view, you have protagonists and antagonists. Good or bad if you will. Good or evil. There's not a way to eliminate the definition of these. All the world may be a stage, but life is not a 3 act play. ![]() |
Date: 1/22/2004 5:10:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 37478
we're all victims of the human condition. there's no good or evil--there's only human motivations, desires, actions. as we're not in our "true" form (spirit, soul, whatever you want to call it) there's no way we can know how we would really act. our environment, family (or lack of), emotions, physical body, f*cking chemical reactions in our brain govern what we do and say. how is that good or evil? i find that so called "good" people act out of fear (fear of god, what their family will think, etc.) rather than god-honest goodness. and I find "evil" people act out due to a crummy life, unstable beliefs aka HUMAN incapabilties. yeah, that sounds real evil. most of you people are holding on so tight to your bibles that all circulatory functions seem to be going there, instead of the brain. humph. the bible is NOT fact--at best it's a metaphorical representation written by PEOPLE (not god himself!) and if you've ever played a lil game called 'telephone' then you'll know people aren't the best at communicating. we're all being held by our hands by diff. religions who have turned into ORGANIZATIONS, asking for money and preaching to us, and I feel bad for those who buy into it; for all you christians out there--going to church isn't even one of the ten commandments; think about it! there are so many diff. beliefs in this world and the truth is that none of them are probably completely right; there is nothing verbatim from god, so we might as well stop worrying about "using god's name in vain" or "forgetting to worship the winter solitice" and start individually finding "god" again, because we're all just spittin the same old adages out over and over again until they don't even have any more meaning. that's people for you. they can't even CONSIDER a new idea, cause their brain is already itchin to say something like: "where there's a will there's a way" or "there is no beginning or end--god just is." Um--what? we don't even know what this means--we just point to a bible quote and think that's enough. wake up!!!! if there was a hell (and thank us "heathens" who don't believe in it otherwise you "goodies" would be screwed) 99% of the population would be going there. trust me. that is all. |
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