Date: 5/4/2002 5:50:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 29216
oddy, your my inspiration, my reason to keep going. Whenever you're down, you keep pluggin away, and don't give up!! It's so inspiring to see you pull through things. You're funny, wild, and wee bit on the cwazy side, and gursh durn it!! I LOVE YOU!!!!  |
Date: 5/4/2002 5:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 26573
She Smells Funny......LOL  |
Date: 5/4/2002 5:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 5252
woohooo i've started a trend, lmfao!!! well i havn't gotten the chance to talk to odd too much, but the times i have she has made me laugh, and she seems very smart.  |
Date: 5/4/2002 5:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 34775
Oddy can bust out one kickin rhyme....yeeeah, yeeeeeeeeeah....  |
Date: 5/4/2002 5:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 51049
Whats that smell?? LOL Fire Cracker  |
Date: 5/4/2002 6:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 16916
Oddy is such a sweetheart, well if ya can get past that awful smell *sniff sniff* she must be in the area LOL *Huge Chocolate Kissies*  |
Date: 5/4/2002 6:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
I dont know Oddsmell, but I have answered some of her posts and from what I have read about her she must be one great gal...hugs Zema  |
Date: 5/4/2002 11:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 28190
Oddity, Ohhh Wow... I could write a book on this one... lol... She is such a sweety,and ALWAYS knows how to crack me up. She is A strong person with an inspirational Will-power. She also knows how to Rope and Grope.... Don'tcha Oddity.. lmao.... I think she is the best! *huge huggles* Love, Amanda  |