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I Finally Feel Like Dying~Forever Angel~

  Author:  22406  Category:(Depression) Created:(5/2/2002 10:33:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (987 times)

That's it. I've had enough of life. It is only getting worse. I just had a really bad night just now. A few hours ago my dad and I were arguing about what to eat. Like we always do. We ended up going where we first talked about. He mainly took me there in case anyone we knew showed up. No one did. Then,when we got home his stupid girlfriend called. He ended up talking to her for 3 hours. Before he answered I told him I needed to use the phone to call Dave(my friend). So,he told me to be patient and don't annoy him and he will get off in a few minutes. 3 hours later he comes in my room telling me he's off the phone. I haven't heard from Dave since yesterday and I just wanted to call him to tell him something real quick and ask him if he was getting online. Well,this all went down in my dad's room. I called Dave but I only let the phone ring 3 times in case he was sleeping. Right away the phone rang and it was him. We were having a nice conversation and all of a sudden my dad did something really embarressing. I won't say what happened. Then,I started screaming and cursing at my dad because I was mad at what he did. Then,I told Dave,it's ok if you never talk to me again,I understand. But,that was a lie. Then,Dave says all of a sudden,he has to go. It's already 12:30 at night here and we live in apartments. My dad and I were fussing and being noisy. We're lucky the police never came. Now,I can't talk to Dave. So,I am really upset. I just said I'm not eating or sleeping until I talk to Dave. Which who knows,he may never talk to me again. I sent him some emails and he never responded. So,I got worried. I'm so mad right now I don't really know what I'm writing. Then,my dad comes in and says he knows Dave. Dave will talk to me again. Blah Blah blah. I know Dave too. And,he doesn't talk to me when I'm mad. And,now he's not talking to me. Now,I wanna get my dad back. So,I'm trying to think of ways to get back at him. The thing is I talk to Dave every single day. I hate missing a day. I actually make myself so sick when I don't hear from him. Not on purpose it just happens.I'm just sick of life

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 5/2/2002 10:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Honey, it will get better. Now, before you start screamin g at the computer screnn & banging the keyboard, please listen. Dave is your friend. If he is a good friend, he will not simply toss the friendship. Friends are loyal. Now, if he was like "gotta go", could be 1) your being upset was upsetting him 2) he didn't want to hear you bash your dad (verbally) or 3) he was having male PMS. Now, to your dad, maybe dad has some issues to deal with too. You were cursing at your dad? Why, because he has a girlfriend, or because he talked to her for 3 hours? Honey, tommarow is a new day. Life is a wonderful high, and this too shall pass.Good luck.  
Date: 5/2/2002 10:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 20956    Agrees with LSG ~~~ Dave is your friend, he isnt going to ditch you over something like this. Things will be fine dont worry ~ at the moment everything might seem really crappy, but it'll get better, i promise. Take care ....  
Date: 5/3/2002 1:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 16950    I agree with what LSG said. I also wanted to ad that maybe Dave left because he was embarrassed & didn't know how to react? I know that when I get really embarrassed or uncomfortable about something, I want to avoid the situation at 1st until everything calms down. Maybe that's what he's doing Sweetheart. Or maybe he really did have to go & the reason he hasn't emailed you back is because he hasn't gotten the emails yet? I hope & pray that tomorrow will be a better day for you. Please let em know if there'a nything I can do to help or if you need someone to talk to. I will do whatever I possibly can to help you out. Please be strong & take good care! Lots of love & many warm hugs,  
Date: 5/3/2002 2:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 34814    Sweetie when I was younger my Mom and I use to fight like wild cats! Now we are best buds. Everyone goes through ickys. Try to tell your Dad he did wrong and made u embarrased. If this Dave guy is your bud he will come out in the long run. True friend's stay think and thin OK Trust me oneday this will be a very small thing compared to what really happenes in life. After high school it all changes. Keep that hea dup high and kick some butt and take names. If u ever need tot alk send me a message. I will be out of town next week. SO I will be off and on..I will pray for u and send love energy that way. Just breathe!  
Date: 5/3/2002 2:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 34814    excuse my typing I have a bad habit of not spaces LOL Keep that head up ok!!!  
Date: 5/3/2002 2:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 34814    thick*  

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