POETIC JUSTICE (I'm gone, bye bye)
I've said it a million times, girl I'm leaving U- But I've never let U go, and the time has come-and I'm on the run, There's just a few things U should know;
I'm tired of all your lies, you have lousy alibi's, you've been seeing other guys- people tell me so, U take me for such a fool, well baby I have been to school, won't U listen to me now;
I'm gonna find someone who's fun to love, someone who can take it tough, well baby I've had enough of YOU! chorus) Poetic justice- turnabout's fair play, poetic justice- U can run away, poetic justice- I'm gone bye, bye, poetic justice- don't ask me why
I've heard it a l,ooo times- I love U, but it makes no sense to me, You play your little games, you're driving me insane, I want to be free.
I'm tired of the things U say, your friends get in the way, don't beg me to stay, oh no-
(repeat chorus)
Please listen to this song and these lyric at my new website. Yes I am promoting my lst album and this will be the lst song on the lst side; http://hstrial-tevans2.hssites.com/on.html Please let me know what U think. Peace and love- tom evans You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 44424 ( Click here )
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