This story was aired on A&E's Investgative Reports a few years back. It holds some facination for me for a number of reasons, one is the gross travesty of what is supposed to be "justice", and another reason is that the person framed for murder is my cousin, Billy.
The basics of this tragity are as follows:
Durring the mid-to-late 1970's, the CIA and military were running drugs out of Panama, to raise funds for "covert operations". My cousin, Billy was involved in a non-volunteer capacity (meaning he did not volunteer for this duty, it was assigned to him). It was illegal to say the least.
On December 31, 1977, Billy married Elaine, who was an avid diarist, and chronicled the illegal activities she witnessed in those diaries, including information on what was known as "Project Watchtower" by the military. On January 30, 1979, she was killed, brutilly stabbed 11 times and her throat slit. Billy, who was at his post on duty at the time of the killing was subsequently framed for this horrific act. Their apartment was ransacked, and Elaine's diaries were missing. Why? Elaine was herself enlisted in the Army, and was due to be discharged in the not-too-distant future, and there was fear that she would go public with the information by those who stood to lose the most, namely the military and CIA officials who were involved up to their eyeballs.
Now get this: A military court saw no evidance or reason to bind Billy over for trial for Elaine's murder, and the civil hearing judge stated that he did not feel that Billy was involved with or guilty of the murder, and that he felt that the prosecution's "star" witness Earl Michael Peters was in fact the killer, yet Billy still sets in prison, serving natural life.
If you are interested in more facts regarding this case, you can check out
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope it opens people's eyes to the coruptiont that is inherant with our elected officials and military leaders. How it changed my life:Never take the gov't at face value, because this is what you get when you do. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48525 ( Click here )
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