Karkadann The karkadann is now believed to be extinct but once flourished on the grassy plains and deserts of India and Persia, possibly even Africa (northeastern part). It commanded great respect because of its ferocity and strength. The unicorn was supposed to have closely resembled the Oryx (kind of like an antelope but bigger). The elephant was the Karkadann's greatest enemy with the rhinoceros next in line. The body of the unicorn was as large as a rhinoceros and had a tail like a lion’s. Each foot had two or even three hooves and instead of the white horn we all picture on a unicorn, there rested a black one spiral one.
It is said that the karkadann would stand for hours beneath the nest of a dove, frightening away it's (dove's) predators so that it could enjoy the dove's beauty.
Kirin An Asian unicorn, the kirin resembles a stag but has the body of a musk deer and swishes around an ox tail. The easiest ways to distinguish it from all other unicorns are the spots on its back. Also, its yellowish belly is multi-colored (red, yellow, blue, white, and black). kirins tend to be shy, resulting in the lack of knowledge of their existence. They never fight, unlike the karkadann.
It comes mainly from Japan but it is also supposed to be found in only the most remote forests in China.
European Unicorn Monoceros europus The European unicorn has a straight horn (almost) which is tightly twisted and sharp as well as large ears, big brown eyes, horse-like tail, and stand about three and a half feet at the shoulders. Males weigh about or sometimes more than 100 pounds and the females, slightly smaller, tend to be only around 80 pounds. Their coats get thicker in the winter months as well as longer and lighten to fawn or creamy tints. A European Unicorn call sounds like a sad wail.
Northern European Unicorn Supposed to be a relative of the European unicorn, the unicorn from the northern part of Europe differs only slightly. Its coat is much shaggier, especially near the ankles, are larger than the European unicorns, they have blue eyes, are bigger in size and have longer, more flowing manes and tails. This unicorn, like the Kirin, is extremely shy.
American Unicorn The American unicorn is mainly known for looking exactly like a magnificent white horse except for the exception of the single magically made straight horn on the center of its forehead. This unicorn loves to eat clover and blackberries. The American unicorn has a very close relationship with the Pegasus and loves to run with him/her. This unicorn can purify water and air and heal wounds with its horn. A male can grow to over 200 pounds while the female can only grow to about 100 but don't take that as a sign of weakness. Females can move twice as fast as males and are more known to heal wounds and purify air and water. This type of unicorn loves to travel in groups or herds.
Indian Unicorn Equus assinoceros An Indian species now believed to be extinct. They were called "the horned ass" and supposedly lived in prehistoric times. Since the genus for this creature is "equus" it is possible that it could have interbred with horses or donkeys. The offspring would have been horned mules, and therefore sterile.
Unicorn Encounters
Fu Hsi A Chinese emperor, in the year 28 B.C.E., Fu Hsi gazed at a unicorn which stood near the bank of the Yellow River. The unicorn was ki-lin. As it disappeared into the distance Fu Hsi followed it, noticing strange symbols on its body. He soon realized that unicorn had shown him markings that can be used to express words and ideas. It was the unicorn that was responsible for the introduction of a written Chinese language. Isabel A daughter to the king of Friesland, Isabel was to be wed to a knight. Her wedding present, a unicorn. She, however, did not love the knight (but she did love the unicorn). Instead she loved the jester Bartholomew (later became known as a Knight of the Lion). To stop the love affair, each was told that the other was dead. Isabel fainted at the news and was kidnapped by an admirer and taken to a castle, guarded by a dragon. When Bartholomew found out he went to rescue her. He and a lion saved her. Years later, while the unicorn and lion were playing, the unicorn got its horn stuck in a tree. The lion came out and took a swipe of the unicorn, which died from the wounds. Genghis Khan While Genghis Khan was marched through many mountain passes to reach India which he was going to conquer, a unicorn came running toward him and bend its knee three times before Khan in token of reverence. Seeing this, Khan decided against taking India and marched his army instead back onto his own land. Daniel In the book of Daniel there is a dream described (that Daniel dreamt) relating to a unicorn. Daniel had dreamed that he was at the River Ulai and by it's bank stood a ram with two horns, one slightly larger than the other. As it stood there it grew in size each time it breathed in. Then a unicorn appeared and it was shaped like a goat, complete with the beard, with eyes of deep red in rage. The unicorn fell into combat with the ram and, using it's longer, sword-like horn, knocked the ram into the water where crimson soon after surfaced. After that the unicorn, horn tipped with blood, began growing in size and the horn fell off, replaced by four smaller horns. Out of the horns grew more and more horns until finally the touched the heavens and stars plummeted in a veil of sparks. The ground was covered heavily with the dust of comets. Wu Ti A few centuries after ki-lin, appeared to Fu Hsi, the creature appeared to Wu Ti. After the encounter he built a special room in his palace in honor of the unicorn. Ctesias Ctesias had returned to his native land, Greece, after serving the king of Persia when he wrote of the strange creatures he had seen, one of them being our beloved unicorn. Ctesias described the creature as having a foot and a half long, red, white, black horn (red at tip, black at middle, white at bottom) as well as its head being red and the rest of its body being white, with eyes of blue. It is now believed, however, that Ctesias saw just a rhinoceros, not the magical creature he believed he had seen. Katya Typhoid fever was spreading through European towns and it was believed that it spread through the water. In order to purify the water a unicorns horn was needed for a process called "water-conning." Try as they might, the townspeople of a small town could not find a virgin. Katya stepped forward as a volunteer on one condition, that the unicorn be used only for water-conning and not be harmed. The townspeople agreed and out she went to catch a unicorn. When night had almost fallen a unicorn appeared and laid its head on her lap. She slipped a rope around its neck and lead the creature back to the town. The unicorn purified all of the water in the town. As Katya was about to leave town to release the unicorn, some of the men surrounded her and said they should kill it for the pelt and horn. She took the rope of the unicorn and whispered for it to run, but to no avail. The unicorn was killed. Huang Ti In his old age, Huang Ti (the Yellow Emperor) saw a unicorn standing in his gardens. The animal called out to him as he at it. Soon afterwards Huang Ti died and it was believed that his spirit was carried into eternity by ki-lin.
luv and hugs guys!!!
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