I just found out about a week ago, on April 22nd, a young boy by the name of Ryan Burns died from overdosing on Cocaine. He was only in grade 11. He went to a school not far from the one that I go to. It was said that he was suppose to be sleeping, and his mom walked into his room and tried to wake him up but couldnt, finally realizing that he was dead. I think thats absoultely terrible...being a mom, finding your son dead, and the sad thing is, she probably have no clue he was doing cocaine or any other type of drug. I just wanted to write this in a memory of him...Today at His School they are holding a memorial for him, and I send my prayers out to all the kids at his school who lost a good friend or family member like him. I guess the message that I want to send to you guys is...Dont get yourself into trouble, doing any type of drug. It will throw your life away eventually, Ryan still had a long life to live, and im sure he still hadnt experienced more then half the things he would have wanted to. Drugs are stupid...you will eventually die from them..so please choose to stay clean, and stay away from drugs. Thank you for Reading this ~*~Sweet Kisses~*~ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35109 ( Click here )
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