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  Author: 41079  Category:(Horror) Created:(4/23/2002 6:31:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (2384 times)

Eugene was happily living on a dairy farm in Michigan. He loved the animals and helping the loyal handyman, Charlie, on the weekends. Eugene's father, Theodore, and Charlie taught Eugene many things about running the dairy farm. Even though he was only eleven, Eugene looked forward to the day he would own the farm. One day Eugene was milking the cows when his father entered the barn. "Eugene, have you seen Charlie?" He asked. "Nope, but check behind the tractor or in the shed." Eugene named two of Charlie's favorite hiding spots. Charlie was a bit odd, he liked to hide every now and then, and sometimes he would hide for a whole day until he got hungry. Then he would come waltzing into the house like he had never been gone. Theodore sometimes sent Eugene to find Charlie, because Charlie did not seem to mind when Eugene found him in one of his secret places. Eugene understood Charlie and his need to hide away sometimes. One day when Eugene came home from school, his parents were talking to a man in the kitchen. He had seen this man looking suspiciously at the farm before. Eugene busied himself making a snack while he listen to their conversation. He soon realized they were discussing selling the farm. "You can't sell the farm!" Eugene cried. "I love the farm!" "Eugene, this is none of your concern. Go up to your room!" Theodore said sternly. Eugene turned to run upstairs and ran right into Charlie. He stared at Eugene's parents. "The farm is being sold?" He asked quietly. "What will become of me? Will I go with you?" "I'm sorry, Charlie. But we are moving into town and I won't need a hired hand there. But, Mr.Sullivan, the new owner would like to keep you on." Theodore gestured to the man at the table. Mr. Sullivan stood and extended his hand to Charlie. "I hope we can work together, Charlie. You certainly know a lot more about this dairy farm than I do." Charlie stared at Mr. Sullivan's extended hand and he slowly shook it. "Thank you, Mr. Sullivan," he mumbled and left the kitchen quickly. The next few weeks passed quickly. Eugene became used to the idea of living in town and decided he would like it. he could go to the sweet shop whenever he had pocket money, and he would be able to make a lot more friends and, go to school! Charlie was quieter than usual, and his glow seemed to have left him, but he worked hard showing the Sullivans the farm. On the day Eugene and his family were set to leave the farm, they could not find Charlie anywhere. Eugene looked in all Charlie's hiding places but he was not able to find him. "Father, I can't leave until I say good bye to Charlie," Eugene said sadly. "I will bring you back tomorrow after school, to talk to him." Theodore put the last suitcase in the trunk. "Please get in the car." Eugene started to get in the back seat but an idea came to him. "Be right back," he said to his mother sitting in the front seat. Eugene heard his mother call to him as he tore through the pasture to the silo. His shoes crunched on the dry grass expelling small clouds of dust. He was breathing heavy as he started to climb up the ladder on the inside of the silo. "Charlie!" He called as he climbed. "Charlie, it's me. Are you up here?" Eugene started to get tired, his arms and legs were moving slowly as he continued to climb. His shoes clicked against the metal ladder, giving away where he was to his father. "EUGENE!" His father's voice thundered below him. "Come down here at once!" Eugene looked down at his father's angry face. "Please let me look up here, Father. This is one hiding place I missed. I think Charlie is up here." "Eugene, I am not going to tell you again. Get down here!" Eugene stopped his climb and slowly descended the stairs. "I just wanted to see him before we left. I think he feels real bad." Tears started to slide down his dirty cheeks. Making rivers of clean white skin through the dirty brown dust. Theodore's face lost most of its anger. He hugged Eugene as he jumped down the silo floor. "I promise we will come back tomorrow." "Dad," Eugene mumbled "please, just check the silo, or let me do it, please!" he begged. Theodore could not stand the look on his son's face so he reluctantly agreed. As he started up the ladder his shoes clicked, the only sound on the farm. Eugene suddenly got a horrible feeling in his throat. He wanted to yell to his father but he couldn't. It felt as if he was trying to swallow a baseball. His father's callused hands gripped the top rung on the ladder. Eugene's heart started to race. It was beating so fast he thought it would explode. Theodore pulled himself up and looked slowly over the edge of the silo. He gasped in shock and almost fell of the ladder. Eugene made a move, as if to run up the ladder, but he only got halfway there when his father stopped him. "Eugene whatever you do, do not go up this ladder!" Theodore shakily commanded. "Wait outside and don't move." Theodore quickly walked to the house. Eugene was compelled to go inside the silo by some force. It dragged him towards the silo. In his heart he felt afraid but something on the outside made him keep walking. He walked up on the ladder. His sweaty hands slipped on the ladder. As he pulled himself up and up higher and higher he had an awful feeling. He overcame a wave of terror as he looked up to the top rung. He slowly placed his hand on the top rung. He pulled his barely working legs up so he could peer over. "Eugene! No! GET DOWN HERE!! DON'T LOOK!!" Theodore shouted. Eugene ignored him. He pulled himself over the silo edge and saw Charlie's body, hanging by a rope.

How it changed my life:

Well it changed my grandfather's (he's Eugene) and it's just kind of a cool story.

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Date: 4/23/2002 6:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 51521    OMG *gasps* that is horrible! i would never be be the same if i saw somehting like that! *gasps again* *pixiestix*  
Date: 4/23/2002 6:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 48525    How very sad for your grandpa. Thanks for sharing with us. ~Roaryblue  
Date: 4/23/2002 6:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 30651    OMG i would die if ihad to see that, thats horrible, luv  
Date: 4/23/2002 7:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    You are a very talented writer undercover duck, this had a sad end, you pulled it off well. Obviously your grandad has overcome any trauma by now, but it must have been hard to forget. Love to you,  
Date: 4/23/2002 7:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 43653    that is such a sad story. You tell it so well.
Date: 4/23/2002 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 19460    wowzers! thats awful! FroggyBaby  
Date: 4/24/2002 11:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 48758    That is horrible!! YOUr Poor grandfather!! I can't believe he is Eugene!!

Date: 4/25/2002 6:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 51241    thats a really sad story
Date: 4/27/2002 8:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 29338    OMG! that is realy sad if that happend to i would have a heart attack because I get realy freaked out by hung people in movies. But I'm not afraid of dead bodies.
Date: 4/27/2002 10:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 29934    Awww! that's so sad! That would have been horrible! thanks for sharing! *~*Angel*~*
Date: 5/3/2002 4:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 49918    AWWW how sad...poor Charlie...you know what's weird? My cousin's name is Charles Eugene..kinda like Ch-..well you seem my point right?
Date: 5/4/2002 9:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 48434    awwwwwwwww it is sad (  
Date: 5/5/2002 4:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 51586    Oh man that is so sad!!!! Did he hang himself or did some one murder him?  
Date: 5/5/2002 6:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 53103    That is so sad!! Poor Charlie and your grandfather!! Was he murdered or did he commit suicide?
Date: 5/8/2002 7:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 41079    Just for clarification Charlie commited suicide. Thanks to ya all of reading!
Date: 5/8/2002 8:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 43815    this is a sad story but why would charlie kill himself? he didnt' have to leave what he was doing; i guess he didnt' want to loose his freind. i'm sure it affected your grandfather very much.  

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