I seen the cutest story tonight on the show called beyond chance.This elderly couple had foud a small kitten and decided to keep it and take care it.Well all was well except for one thing the kitten would not eat.Well one day just when they had given up hope a crow landed beside the kitten and begin to pick food up and feed the kitten.This went on for days and days and pretty soon the crow and the kitten were roughing it up and tumbling around the yard.Now the kitten is full grown and the crow still comes around everyday at four to play until dusk then off it goes like clockwork.I saw a tape of them playing it was so cute they just roll around on the ground ike a couple of cats.I thought wow how cool i have to share this.Hope you enjoyed the story.:) How it changed my life:Just thought that is was really neat and changed my views on the birds of a feather saying hehehe You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35629 ( Click here )
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