I am not the most knowledgable person when it comes to the bible and all the versuses..in fact, I am a pretty simple person. The one thing I know for sure is, I have a tremendous love for God. Someone said to me once that my faith is amazing and that I am someone special because of it...I beg to differ on that point...no one, no not even one of us is more special than the other..we are all just different. Faith for me is so much more than a choice...it is just a fact of life.....it's nothing that I really ever think or thought about, it just is, stable...always unchangeable. There is nothing better on this earth to swap it with..ya know? But believe me, I sure have my moments of terror and sorrow just like anyone else, but I can always go to my God and lay my head on His lap for a while when I need to. He is always there to hold me in His arms and comfort and love me. All I need do to see Him, is close my eyes and I see Him standing in a garden, in a long white robe with a covering of purple, and a crown opf gold. He is holding out His arms to me, saying, "come to me child and rest in my strength, let me carry the load for you for a while." Oh I just get shivers when I think about it...There is nothing comparable to God on this earth!!!!! And feeling this way, I often question why I do become afraid, but if I stop myself, I know He will make a way for me. I wish everyone could know the same God that I know and love and he could be your friend the way He is mine.
God has done miraculous things in my life. I invited Him into my heart and life February, 1992 and He has never failed or let me down since then. Prior to that time, I was as far down in a pit as one can go and each time I tried to climb out of that slimy pit, I just slid further into the abyss..there was no way I could do it on my own. I was caught up in a world of alcohol and yes, even adultry and so much more that shames me. Finally I just fell to my knees and cried out to Him and He came and set me free. It's a freedom that no one can understand it has to be experienced by each person when they develop their own personal relationship with Christ. He will never leave me or forsake me...this, I know I can depend upon. He has done this for me..brought me to that point in my life. Do you think I could live with any kind of peace without Him in my life?
That my friends is my personal relationship with God...search for and seek it out..you will never be sorry. If you need help, please ask..I would be honored to help you find your way ;)
God Bless you all and Much Love,
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