Down in the laughing room, Build upon desires and human hands burned only for pleasure. Hopes are high during whatever, you, once upon a time. They imagined the flames, but they forgot to include any rain. If you're in any luck, i will see you in the next room sometimes soon.
Colors here you are, i totally missed the primal yeld. They thought me how to fight then they tried to kill me for their fun. I'm amazed that they walked while i runned and runned and runned. Now im lost somewhere in the sky, i will forever be listening to the wind.
I met another year and it thought me quite a lot. If i remember you well, you were also burned a bit. What i came to realise is that the wound is a sun on its own. Carved pretty much with the remains of a pleasant tone. A song that will forever be locked inside the flesh.
I think that, Me + you, still equals 1. I have a dream and it's hard how to tell all the sentences. If you stay any longer i may be ready to give my whole heart in any seconds. Im still listening to the wind and i know your voice will come pretty soon. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20040 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .