I stand in the dark A tear treeds down my cheek I feel the stare of concerned eyes burning into my back I turn to face the one with the firey blue eyes and spot a bit of amusement in his eye I hang my head in shame of letting my emotions show so openly I look up and see those ghostly eyes looming over me I turn away and go to a corner that seems to be offering comfort My sense spring to life as I hear words being spoken he says "Even though I may not be here with you physically my heart and thoughts will be with you always". Then there comes an ever so light echo I turn and fight back tears and my eyes adjustice to the lighting I stare at the bracelet that lays at my feet and bend to scoop it up. I crip it tightly as I slip it in my pocket and relize that he is gone and all that I have left is this small silvery reminder..... but still the hair on the back of my neck stands up for I can still feel his eyes burning into my back and sense a hint of laughter in the air.......... ((i wrote this the night after my best friend went to court and left me standing with just a bracelet for some reason I was drawn to write this and so here I sit at 12:09 a.m. typing this up.....i dont think anyone will get anyrhing from it but for some reason I do>
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .