Once the gaurdian of the mountains in a place far beyond the imagaination of a normal human......was standing trail for the punishment she was to receive for allowing the demons of the northern gate into the village. For they had set the village a blaze and raided it leaving the villagers without shelter and food. She begged the courts to take pitty on her......for it was her foolish heart that had got her here...you see i was out checking the surrounding areas when i came upon an injured man with long black hair and icey blue eyes. he asked for my help and at first i refused but then he cut my deep with his words by saying please no one else has the heart to help me.....your my only hope. And with that i fell victim to his sly ways. After i healed him he told me of his sad story of how the villigers of this place had sent he and his people at the area of the northern gate where there ws no food or shelter for them. He spoke of revenge and his plans he told me he was just going to raid you and not harm our way of life. So i left him and a few nights ago i allowed him and his people into the village. **looks around waving her hand over the damaged village** Before i knew it it was to late and i couldnt stop him.....**smiles sadly** i know i will regret this but i love him....and i do not find what he did was wrong....it was just his way of justice..... With this the courts were outraged and sentenced her to her death.....***with a scream she falls to her knees and is stoned to death in center of the village*** And after the last stone was thrown and the crowd had had their fancy with her she was drug to the nothern gate and her wings were chopped off and tossed away. The villagers then threw her in front of her demon lover and said "She's one of hells creatures now." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42024 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .