i read this short story in a book.(He chose the nails by max lucado. good book!) it's lengthy but good please read it!! sniffle!!
Five-year-old Madeline climbed into her father's lap. "Did you have enought to eat?" he asked her. she smiled and patted her tummy. "I can't eat any more." "did you have some of you Grandma's pie?" "A whole piece!" joe looked across the table at his mom. "looks like you filled us up. don't think we'll be able to do anything tonight but go to bed." Modeline put her little hands on either side of his big face. "oh, but, Poppa, this is Christmas Eve. you said we could dance!" joe feigned a poor memory. "did I now? why, i don't remember saying anything about dancing." Grandma smiled and shook her head as she began clearing the table. "but, Poppa," madeline pleaded, " we always dance on christmas eve. just you and me, remember?" A smile burst from beneath his thick mustache. "of course i remember, darling. How could i forget?" and with that he stood and took her hand in his, and for a moment, just a moment, his wife was alive again, and the two wer walking into the den to spend another night before christmas as they had spent so many, dancing away the evening. They would have danced the rest of their lives, but then came the surprise pregnancy and the complications. madeline survived. but her mother did not. and joe, the thick-handed bucher from Minnesota, was left to raise his madeline alone. "come one, Poppa." she tugged on is hand. " let's dance before everyone arrives." she was right. soon the doorbell would ring and the relatives would fill teh floor and the night would be past. but, for now, it was just Poppa and madeline.
Rebellion flew into joe's world like a minnesota blizzard. about the time she was old enough to drive, madeline decided she was old enough to lead her life. and that life did not include her father. "i should have seen it coming," joe would later say, "but for the life of me i didn't." he didnt know what to do. he didnt understand the late nights and the poor grades. and, most of all, he didnt know when to speak and when not to. She on the other hand, had it all figured out. she knew when to speak to her father--never. she knew when to be quiet--always. the pattern was reversed, however, with the lanky, tatooed kid from down the street. he was no good, and joe knew it. He didnt want madeline to spend christmas eve with the likes of him. "you'll be with grandma tonight and eating her pie got it?!" that night she played with her food and joe was in no mood to talk. the rest of him would have given anything to know how to talk to this girl who once sat on his lap. soon the relatives arrived, bringing with them a welcome end to the awkward silence. as the room filled with noise and peole, joe stayed on one side and madeline on the other. When the music started, joe was sure this would make her happy. he walked over to his daughter and asked, "will you dance with your poppa tonight?" she turned away.In full view of everyone. she turned and walked out the door and down the street. leaving her father alone. very much alone.She came back that night, but not for long. joe never faulted her. in their last days together he tried so hard. he made her favorite dinner, she didnt want to eat. he invited her to a movie, she staying in her room. he bought her a new dress and she didnt even thank him. he left early for work one day so he could be home when she was. wouldnt u know that would be the day she never came home? someone said they saw her leave with her boyfriend with a ticket to chicago. the boyfriend had a cousin who left young kids who ran away stay in a spare room for a few bucks. they had to be gone in the day though. which was fine with them. they had big plans. she would get a job at a department store and he as a mechanic. after a few weeks the cousin changed his mind. and the day he announced his decision, the b/f announced his. madeline found herself facing hte night with no place to sleep or hand to hold.
she stayed at a home. where she spent many nights thinking of her father. holding back tears and soon pushing the emotions to the back of her mind. she heard of a job of dancing on tables. the pay was good. she took it.
If madeline knew anything she knew how to dance. later the cousin came and found her handing a box of letters addressed to her. "your b/f must have squealed on you." she couldnt bear to open even one. shame over came her. more and more came.
One day she found a letter, another girl said a big man was in there the night before and asked her to give it to madeline. she opened the letter. the first one. madeline swallowed hard and looked at the envelope. she opened it and removed the card. "i know where you are," it read. "i know what youdo. this doesnt change anything. what i've said in each letter is still true." "but i dont know what you've said," madeline declared. she pulled a letter from the top of the stack and read it. the another and another. each had the same sentance. each asked the same thing. in a matter of moments the floor was littered with paper and her face was streaked with tears. within an hour she was on a bus. "i just might make it in time." she barely did.
the relatives were starting to leave. joe was helping grandma in the kitchen when his brother called from the suddenly quiet den. "joe, someone is here to see you." joe stepped out of the kitchen and stopped. in one hand the girl held a backpack. in the other she held a card. joe saw she held a card. joe saw the question inher eyes. "the answer is 'yes'." she to her father. "if the invitation is still good, the answer is 'yes'" joe swallowed hard. "oh my. the invitation is good." on the floor, near the door, rested a letter with madeline's named and her father's request.
" Will you come home and dance with your poppa again?"
good story hope you read it all!!!!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52114 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .