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*PAGANS FEEL MAJOR EARTH EVENT IS COMING!!!!* this is a true report

  Author: 52320  Category:(Predictions) Created:(4/4/2002 10:31:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (3395 times)

Pagan's world-wide have been contacting talk-show host Art Bell to reveal that Pagans, Witches,Wiccans ....and others "Sensitives" are suffering from "major" sleep disturbances, including vivid dreaming & nightmares.

The last time such a huge outbreak of concern from the Pagan-type community came two weeks leading up to September 11th. Ladyspirit_guide (former USM'er) as interviewed live on Coast-To-Coast Paranormal Radio Show in April of 2001, with Mike Segiel, in which she said "They are going to attack here! A major city, from the water!". This is on record.

Now, I do NOT want to alarm anyone. However, I myself have been suffering from insomina & nightmares for a week now.I am a psychic & a fellow Wiccan. I know LSG (Ladyspirit_Guide) has been "sick" for three days with powerful headaches.

An un-named Pagan has sent a report to Mr. Bell indicating the Pagan Community is sure there will be an "earth-changing event in the next few days". But it could be up to two weeks, like the 9/11 episode.

Everyone would do well to be just a little more careful for a little while. If I (we) are wrong, than what will it hurt? I do seem to be in a particularly psychic mood lately. Today I shook a strangers hand & popped out with.."Do you have a son?" .She looked started, and said "Yes". And I said "he's going to be alright". She stared at me & said, very softly "you are scaring me"."How did you know?". Usually I do not blurt things out, especially to strangers.



How it changed my life:

I am being very,very careful now.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 4/4/2002 10:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    A Pagan just called about how she was fired from the Los Alamos Nuclear Power Plant. She has been fired for whistle blowing. She has been having nightmares about the plant. Any other Pagans willing to come forward with their dreams.....? Anyone else having a troubling time.....?
Date: 4/4/2002 10:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    I am not wiccan, but I have been having VERY disturbing dreams lately. I will be curious to see what others here have to say about this...  
Date: 4/4/2002 10:47:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    DizzyMe, you do not have to be a Pagan to have dreams & visions. Everyone has the "gift" to a degree, it depends on what you do with it. I feel a deep troubling in the Spirit.If your dreams get too bad, put a little lavender oil near your pillow. That should help.
Date: 4/4/2002 11:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 52407    TygerGirl, I'm experiencing the same problems. I even told my husband this morning that I've been having trouble spleeping, tossing and turning all night. I wake up unually early, feel uncomfortable and have vivid dreams. Last night I dreamed my clothes were skattered all over the neighborhood. I was picking them up from the ground. My daughter, Lady of the Lake, dreamed of bombs last night. She told me that one landed in our back yard. We were on the deck knowing it would explode in a few seconds and that there was no time to get to safety. But something was wrong with it and to our relief, the one in our backyard didn't explode. I agree with you and LSG. Something is coming up! I'll keep you posted on my dreams. I tend to have really powerful before magor events, like the night before 9/11. Thanks for posting this. All my blessings . . . AXEVA  
Date: 4/4/2002 11:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    Thank you Dizzy & AXEVA for coming forward. There is something in the air tonight for sure.I feel like a bundle of nerve endings & I am cautious as a cat. I don't know what, or when, but I believe it will be soon.Within weeks.TygerGirl
Date: 4/4/2002 11:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 39107    I've been dreaming of being on a ship,seeing what appears to be a plant of some sorts....Its hard to finish it and I am not Wiccan or anything in that sort but I do have ESP in some capcity,and I was watching things unveil on the ship,like someone hiding in curtains or canvases.....then I wake up,they are scary sometimes and everytime I see the ships windows,I dont see me,but I see a city,and a plant of some sorts by the water,its very distant....By the wait it looks its in the Pacific....but thats all I can recall form these dreams....  
Date: 4/4/2002 11:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    Thank you SPG. I wonder if our own minds are taking the information being sent to us & our own minds are using the symbolism as best it can to show us future events. For example a "plant" could represent medicine. Or disease.I am not a Dream Counciler, but just a thought.
Date: 4/4/2002 11:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 52407    TigerGirl, go read the dream I had the night before 9/11. It will give you an idea of how precise it can be. It's called "Dreamed of 9/11 event", I posted it last week. Tell me what you think AXEVA  
Date: 4/4/2002 11:42:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    AXEVA-I read your story & it is brilliant. I believe you. And it sounds like you, too have the gift.As many of us here at USM do. I'll share one of my dreams. I was in a higher office building (around the eighth floor of a skyrise), and I was in a squad room with other officers. Both sides of these cubicles had elevators on both sides.The mood in the squad room was very jovial & comfortable. Anyway, my sargeant had just given my male partner & I an assignmet. I was walking toward one set of eleveators behind my partner, when the doors opened & men dressed in black robes, (Arabic-type robes) with their faces covered by black scarves ran into room shouting orders in a strange language, they had automatic weapons & turned & ran for the other set of elevators, but those doors opened with more men, and I was trapped on both sides. Suddenly I knew *BOOM*, an explosion took place, and I woke up covered in sweat, with tears pouring down my face. This is so personal for me.
Date: 4/5/2002 12:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 35825    Okay, I hope I'm not too late to still comment, but I too have been having such a hard time sleeping lately. I always seem to have trouble sleeping every so often, but this time I feel so nervous. I've been feeling this way for the past couple nights...it's almost like I feel that something's gonna happen, but I don't know what? It drives me nuts cuz I really want to sleep, but I just can't. Just thought I'd share this with you.  
Date: 4/5/2002 3:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 20847    I had a god come to me in a dream a day or 2 ago.. I dont believe in anything really.. so I use A god as it could be anything or nothing.. what it had to say was in all its importance so trivial that it doesnt even matter.. and sick ive been feeling... but I wanna laugh at "using the symbolism as best it can to show us future events" cause I ususally see future events in dreams EXACTLY as they happen.. no difference to real whatsoever.. which makes me think if theyre dreams at all as much as memories.. maybe we are in a limbo and all this goes on replay time after time? we would be bound to remember things allready.. symbolic dreams though can be twisted to mean ANYTHING so they arent worth jack... and "pagan" is anyone non-christian-jewish-muslim or anyone non-christian.. or something depending on whos saying.. saying that u are a pagan sounds stupid as hell.. just say Wiccan.. Im just annoyed at people going round talking bout pagans meaning only few religions.. The greatest mystery of all though is, why on earth did I come to rant here?  
Date: 4/5/2002 4:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    i've been that way for a week and a half but i assumed it had to do with other things in my life.. interesting post..thanks 8-) and ladyspirit guide's posts are what brought me to usm.  
Date: 4/5/2002 4:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 51876    You said it Heather.It brought me also.I saw Omens before WTC/Pentagon911.I am a Neo-Christian and a month before Dust Devils were appearing from no where and we hadmany killings involved with early 20 something males.I know we are about to have another planetery alighnment simolar to the one in 2000 but this time we will be able to see it with the naked eye.Let us all pray , incante concentrate or whatever we do and get thru the next few weeks.We americans better start sticking together cause we are wanted men globally..........GreenMan  
Date: 4/5/2002 8:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 28899    This is very interesting. I'm not exactly psychic, and I haven't been having any trouble lately. But, at about 4:00am EST on 9/11, I woke up to someone telling me it was time to save the world... So, if I start getting signs, it's already too late .  
Date: 4/5/2002 9:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 42940    It's strange to see this post (I guess not really). I'm not a pagan or a witch. But lately, (a couple of weeks or so) and more recently (the past week) I am feeling a sense of tremendous dread. There's a dark cloud hovering over all of us. And then a thought just came to me. There is going to be another attack in the USA and soon. I hope we are wrong. I pray that things settle down especially in the Middle-east and Afghanistan. I pray that we learn to solve our problems with words instead of bullets. I was so angry after 9/11. But I finally realize that war is not the answer (I guess I always knew). Just take a look at history. Violence is not going to stop violence. But then I'm left with then what can we do? *** bad kitty ***
Date: 4/5/2002 11:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 39107    ok i had a new dream today,It looksl ike I am a search party member or something and i have a gas mask on(?)I found a body frozen in some weird liquid,and i look up and see someone ocming towards me telling me"Dan,this is just like New York.....except we just found the bodies...."and i looked over to the horizon and see burnt black buildings and a whole skyline of dirtyness,like a black thick smog..and the last thing i see is just the body and say"Da**".......then i woke up.......its weird,my ESP has never been this strong before....its really scaring me.....
Date: 4/5/2002 12:39:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    I am very proud of all of those who have come forward to talk about their experiences. And I am also very proud of those who chose to answer "author only". It takes courage to speak out, and to open one's self to ridicule & disbelief.Having said that, everyone is welcome to comment & add their own thoughts. The reason I choose to mention the Pagan-connetion, is simply because Pagan's seem to be more willing to speak of such things in a society, the would consider it "impolite", or open the speaker up to being mocked. Everyone who reads this is welcome to add something. And,HEATHER, thank you for the wonderful compliment!
Date: 4/5/2002 3:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 29262    I dunno if I am a wiccan or not lol. I have been having headaches lately but thats it...
Date: 4/5/2002 9:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 52407    TigerGirl, that dream has a lot of details. Was it before the 9/11? It has a lot of its elements: High rise, elevators blocked, Middle east warriors, you had no way out, bombs. When was that dream? I'm currious. AXEVA  
Date: 4/6/2002 9:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 29193    I've been having extremely vivid dreams lately, but they're not bad... it's been me in the future, having children, a happy family. this is strange for me because I never remember my dreams, but if I'm reading it correctly, things will get better & life will go on. I've been very anxious and my body's been in that state of "nervous anxiety" for most of this week... but it doesn't disturb my sleep. well, anyhow, excellent post and I'll be watching out, thanks. ~Shuurei
Date: 4/6/2002 11:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 3395    Tyger, I found this post to be quite interesting. We just never know what is around the corner. Thank you for trying to warn us. Peace and *Hugs*   
Date: 4/6/2002 12:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    Ok, that just weirds me out. I have been sleepless for about 3 weeks now, unless I really get tired and crash, and when I do sleep I have nightmares. My nightmares stopped a long time ago, but came back about 3 weeks ago.  
Date: 4/6/2002 1:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 49076    O.K. everyone, now I have a question. I have always had a deep belief in God, but at the same time I also believe in alot of the things the Wiccans do(more of the earthy beliefs)here' the weird part and my question. How many of you have had a nagging feeling of getting aligned spiritually and you feel out of sync? For the past 2-3 weeks I've been restless, not myself, and really not knowing why? I have also had alot of weird dreams, things and people I don't normally dream about. I live here in Indiana, and I read the post about a plant on the water? Cook Nuclear plant is in Michigan and it is on the water, actually the Lake. If anyone can reach sur5er, I'd be interested in seeing what he has to say.  
Date: 4/6/2002 1:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 15157    I have been having bouts with Headaches all all this new month....I also have dreams of Clouds now too!  
Date: 4/6/2002 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    ...I've have disturbed dreams since my early years...so have many 'sensitives' I know...2004 and 2012 are two big dates that just seem to ping us off...the first (2004) feels like an Earth changing event...the last (2012) feels like a ascention/descention into a new realm of consciousness...complete change...or better or for worse I feel is up to each individual...  
Date: 4/6/2002 2:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 19220    I've been having nightmares and nightterrors for over a week now. My stomach will just drop for no apparent reason and other things as well. Sense of something just not being right. I am pagan as well. Blessed Be  
Date: 4/6/2002 2:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 10146    I do not know Why I am commenting of this post, but I felt the need to tell of a very strange Dream of Many Dreams. I woke up this morning remembering for the First Time of Many dreams in the months and years past that I have had. I have dreamed them before, but could not remember that I have had them until only Last night. For me, this is a strange thing! Strange because although this dream has occured many times in the past, but was only brought to my memory in last nights dream of the same things. In my dream/dreamspast I was able to Levitate. I could stop levitation at any point in height. With this ability, I too was able to appear as if I was Walking on Water. I would levitate just high enough to have my feet touch the Water. It was an awsome feeling, with Power that was given only by Jesus. In these dreams that I remembered just from last nights dream again, (all dreams being different, from each other, but ALL having the power of Levitation) and appearances of walking on Water. I really dont fully know why this dream, gives me a sence of somthing that is more to them, than just dreamland fantasy. But Levitation plays an Important roll in them!  
Date: 4/6/2002 3:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 20847    Agent Smith.. Sounds like ur gonna die on 2012...  
Date: 4/6/2002 3:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 22852    Excellent Post! I am not wiccan or any religion for that matter. But I will tell you this whenever I get a "bad" feeling something good happens and whenever I get a "Good" feeling something bad happens. Yes I know I am confused too.. LOL. But I will say this the "Good" feeling inside of me is on high alert and that frightens me. I have been happy and motivated, singing for no reason things like that which lead me to believe something really big and worse then Sept 11th will happen and happen soon.  
Date: 4/6/2002 5:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 11871    i have had this one dream more than one time over the years like haadam above.in the dream i am scread and running,and also i think is is the end of the wrold and there is these two lady that are trying to give me this shot in the arm but i don't won't it cause i have reason to belive it will kill me.that is why i am running in the dream.  
Date: 4/6/2002 5:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    I am truly happy with all the comments on this post.I see that the unease is NOT divided by christian/pagan/muslim.........bottom line, we are all humans & it appears that the "knowing" is affecting us all.And no christian should ever be afraid, or uncomfortable about commenting on one of my posts. Your opinion is vaild, as all opinions are valid.TygerGirl
Date: 4/6/2002 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 20847    what the? why delete my reply?  
Date: 4/6/2002 7:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    I didn't delete you KAAOS.I didn't see your reply.TygerGirl
Date: 4/6/2002 9:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 19871    I've been unable to sleep peacefully recently, and have been experiencing headaches. I toss and turn and I wake up way early in the morning. My friend too has experienced headaches. Recently, I seem to have visions of creatures coming out of the ocean...  
Date: 4/6/2002 9:09:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    that is really interesting. I wonder......doesn't the ocean in dream studies represent "politics"? I thought I read that somewhere.
Date: 4/6/2002 9:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 19871    I seem to see blue horses moving at fast speed  
Date: 4/6/2002 9:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    horses.....? I think that represents "masculine energy", more specifically "warriors". Yipe.
Date: 4/6/2002 9:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 7341    Maybe I am just in my own world...I sleep snug and nice every night...lol...I work full-time, go to school full-time, am remodeling my new house and am planning a wedding. There is one thing though that HAS bothered me though...I always used to remember my dreams very vividly, and I have several notebooks full of what I have dreamed, as I write them down in the morning, but for the life of me, in the past six months or so I have not been able to remember my dreams at all. Its like I go to sleep and 2 seconds later I wake up and it's morning. That is the only thing that's really strange with me...some of these replies have given me the creeps though..I'll tell you what!!!  
Date: 4/6/2002 10:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 52407    TigerGirl, it's me again, Axeva. I just want to tell you the dream I had last night. It's discusting though, I warn you. O.K. ~I was looking at a pit of rats. Black rats. There were small ones and much larger ones. I was dropping small bombs on them, killing the smaller ones. Than, I realized the big ones were eating the smaller ones. After I dropped my last bomb, the big rats finished the job.~ I've looked up the meaning but didn't find it to apply to me or my life at all. It was one of those really vivid one. What do you think?  
Date: 4/6/2002 11:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    Rats.....hmmmm......well, they are survivors & do a reputation for suriving where others can't. They are also ugly, mean & dirty. (before I get lynched here, I have had pet-rats that are lovely creatures). I think you are seeing a future, or no matter how many we kill we are being overwhelmed by more,bigger,nastier,fighters.Sounds like an anxiety dream.
Date: 4/7/2002 6:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    and I see webed creatures...  
Date: 4/7/2002 7:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    Call me nuts if you want but I talk to the loch ness who tells me that the Gra-somethings, those webed creatures, are attacking us for polluting their beloved home  
Date: 4/7/2002 7:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    My friend just comfirmed that she too is having problems getting to sleep and shw wakes up way early  
Date: 4/7/2002 11:52:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52320    this morning, for those who remember her here at USM, scruffylilsuzybugg called me. She has been suffering for sleep disturbances, nightmares, and "flu-type" symptoms.Her nightmare's are about the water. The odd thing is: she usually has vivid dreams, these nightmares, she cannot remember, she just wakes up with a sense of unease.
Date: 4/8/2002 3:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    Flu? I gotta admit, I'm suffering a little of that too...my cough cant seem to go away  
Date: 4/8/2002 3:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    My friend has recently been visited by a god. There is a white lion, named Leo in my classroom and a green giraffe, named Gaia is in my science lab. Theres also a Black Lion in my hall. We both believe that they are here to protect us and recently, my water elemental has been uneasy  
Date: 4/8/2002 3:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    I've been in a psychic mood too...do u have msn?  
Date: 4/8/2002 7:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 52842    I have been sick...  
Date: 4/8/2002 7:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 52842    However, there is probably a logical reason for everything that is happening. Reading others comments definitely influences your judgement  
Date: 4/8/2002 2:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 51565    its called the end of the world! Thats what wil happen! thats it!This year!  
Date: 4/8/2002 8:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    gee and I thought all comments were accepted, even christian ones, guess I was wrong.  
Date: 4/8/2002 10:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    My dear Sister, I know what you have been going through.~ignore the trolls & others who act badly~, Yes, I have been very troubled in my heart. Also, advice? your new here. Leave comments up, no matter how bitter & petty. Then others can see what's-up. Good posts darlin'......  
Date: 4/8/2002 10:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    Actually, I will go farther. Last night, I heard a deep rumbling. Like the sound you would hear in an earthquake. I felt, for the first time, an icy finger in my heart.I do not get scared, TG knows that & most of you know that. But it is coming.  
Date: 4/8/2002 10:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 52407    I looked up the meaning of my dream from last night and I litterally read: "You will be on shaky grounds." LSG, you might be right about the earthquake! Axeva  
Date: 4/9/2002 3:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 37411    I have been really intune right now too. I am not a Pagan of any sort but I still know whats happening. good thing someone mentioned this.
Date: 4/9/2002 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 37411    O and did anyone notice many people are dying right now. A whole lot. ALl those actors, the Queen Mother, and even a lot of my friends relatives. Thought i would point that out unless someone already did......lol.  
Date: 4/9/2002 7:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 19682    I have been very stressed for a while and this extent of stress is unusual. The world at this point is seemingly "all wrong". The hatred. fighting, and terror threats. They just aren't right and something has to give. I am afraid to think of anywhere to go, so I have been hiding in my house and very sad with the news lately on tv.

When will it all change. It must.

(No one can answer, I just need to release my anxiety that is all).
Date: 4/9/2002 11:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 19871    so sometimes I get to go off earlier  
Date: 4/9/2002 11:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 19871    I agree with you Babybluemoon. My tutor has been going to alote of wakes.  
Date: 4/11/2002 1:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 19871    Ok I was reading this post http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm231533.html when I was reminded of an earlier vision of mine that a part of the USA was missing  
Date: 4/11/2002 12:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 40979    thanks a lot for the info. I dont beleive in this stuff and I geuss ill have to see the attack to beleive it.  
Date: 4/20/2002 5:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 31048    Oh my! How creepy..I too have felt weird lately.
I don't know what's going on here, but when I try to
go to sleep, it takes hours...and on the weekends
I'll wake up really early, way earlier than usual,
even though I barely got any sleep that night.
I also had this really scary dream last week where these men
were making a little boy do something dangerous
that he didn't want to do..I think they were trying
to make him jump from a really high place or something..
and I was scared and crying for him. When I woke
up I was all sweaty and I'd been crying in my sleep.
I've been having a lot of bad dreams lately. This
is really creepy
Date: 5/3/2002 11:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    I so know what you mean. I have been lik this a month now if not longer. THings effect me. Like the days before 9-11 I was just freaking. I think we are going into a new demision and this is a test. Blessed Be  
Date: 5/5/2002 8:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 40509    I sometimes have dreams that warns me of things that will happen, not major things, but dreams that warn me that I will get in trouble and stuff. But, I have been having trouble sleeping also. I have had a sore throat for 2 weeks now, and feeling negative. I am not wiccan either.  
Date: 5/10/2002 2:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 40350    Well, I have not had any trouble getting to sleep, and I get migraine headaches at least 3 times a week, so I am no help there. But recently, I have been spilling my guts out to one of my friends. Just all of my feelings, and I don't know why. This is a great post. Thanks :-)
Date: 5/10/2002 2:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 25828    i have, and when i read this i really didn't associate it at first, but i have and still am - good post.  
Date: 5/10/2002 2:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 40350    Also I noticed that a lot of people said things about water. I saw another post entilted something about Atlantis and it made me think, Could the "blue horses" out of the water, or the plant on the water be some warning of people of Atlantis coming to the surface and attacking us? ~*MaxEvans*~  
Date: 5/10/2002 2:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 40350    Also, now that I think about it, as soon as I awoke the other morning, a teenage figure came in my head, he was standing near a pole and then I saw his face up close. I have no clue who he is or why I saw him. Anyone know? ~*MaxEvans*~  
Date: 5/16/2002 6:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 54429    EVERYONE has been having these predictions lately,not me though, and if so many people are having these dreams and visions, then i guess it will come true. I can't stand it im going paranoind!if we get invaded i dont want to be shot!i cant wait for death its dying im afraid of.I dont want something bad to happen im just 12!:ighs::GOD BLESS!~SlightOfHand  
Date: 5/17/2002 12:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 53744    I havent dreamed in a while....but i like many others have not been able to sleep....the funny thing is when i read these messages and these perdictions they dont suprize me....ive 'known' since i was very young that the days that you speak of will come....but i also thing that there will be a chance....a chance to save our world...hmmm im not in tune like you seem to be but there are certian things that i can feel....for a long time i have felt, out of touch with things....almost like something is blocking my sight....i know kind of weriod, but anyway a great post....one last thing....im into medatation a good deal and for some reason i would like to start getting people that do practice this to start doing it around the same time of the day (not worring about time zones)....i know that getting alot of people to do this is probly impossable....and really im not sure what it would accomplish....mabye a build up of psyic energy....or mabye just make me settle easier knowing that im not alone when i start doing it....if its a bad idea (witch it may be) then just disregard this but if your intersted then my emails '[email protected]' withouth the ' of course.....more power to your enemys enemys.
Date: 5/17/2002 4:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    This is strange!!! I've been having headaches and trouble sleeping comfortably. Even my son has been "seeing" strange things. I'm glad you wrote this post as it does explain many things. But what can we do?  
Date: 5/17/2002 6:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 46527    Oh My God! This is EXACTLY how I have been feeling today and less so for a week or more. It all seems to have come to a head today and I feel DREADFUL....  

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