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My finished Horror Screenplay Anomaly. Please check it out!

  Author:  43317  Category:(Discussion) Created:(4/3/2002 4:46:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (807 times)


Characters: Lunatic(later known as Moni Staunton) Eric Staunton (16 yr old boy) Kate Harris (best friend) Rhode Staunton (family mother) Others

*ThE LuNaTiC Is HoRrIbLy DiSfIgUrEd AnD SpEaKs In A DiStUrBinG GhAsTlY VoIcE*

Takes Place in present Day Arnold, MD.

SCENE 1 (lunatics face shadowed entire time)

_Film rolls in over the scenery (neighborhoods)._

_Starts off in the local Mental Institution with too staff members Talking._

Worker 1: Look at that character over there. (Points to shadowy slightly mentally challenged man drawing on a notepad).

Worker 2: The things we go through each day with all these nutcases everywhere. What a way to make a living (sarcastic)

_Man in cell quietly moves back in fourth, like something is bothering this strange man._

Worker 2: Just look at him, swaying back and fourth. Sometimes I wonder about some of the maniacs living in society today.

Worker 1: Tell me about it, they should all be locked up before any other madman does anything crazy like you see in those horror movies.

_Worker 2 quietly leaves at the sound of the bell sounding for lunch._

Worker 2: Ill let you handle this nut bag.

_Worker 1 walks over to the man in the cell_

Worker 1: Hey, didn't you hear the bell? Its time to leave for your lunch. Hey, I am talking to you dip-stick*!

_Man stops moving back and fourth and gets up with the his back facing the worker_

Worker 1: Your getting me real aggravated man. Do NOT make me come in there.

_Waits a moment and opens the cell door_

Worker 1: Just what I needed today, A lunatic who doesn't know his limits.

_Man turns around and stabs the man in the neck with a pencil and takes the workers keys and quietly walks out and locks him inside. While man gets up to struggle, man repeatedly kicks him in the face outside of the sell and stabs him with a near by knife laying on the workers desk. Man quietly walks out of the Institution walking slightly fast with long footsteps.


_Focus in on local boy Eric skateboarding home from a mall._

Eric (talking to himself): Maryland isn't really too bad. We have all kinds of places to go to, but with all the job opportunities around, how could I not get a new job? I really need this!

_Now is Dark and Eric sees a shadow in the bushes near the woods. Stops, but then leaves not paying any attention. Eric Quickly turns and skateboards home. When inside, mother is watching the news about an escaped mental patient.

Eric: Hey Mom.

Rhode: Hey how was the mall?

Eric: It was ok, not too many people though, all the job applications were filled.

Rhode: Not to worry, I think I have just the perfect job for you. Do you remember the Williams family?

Eric (annoyed): You didn’t...

Rhode: I did, I got you a job over that the shoe store over nearby the mall and the Institution. I think it will be a great job for you.

Eric: Aw, come on mom, I am 16 and I SHOULD NOT be working in a shoe store. You know all my friends are going to bust on me for this...

Rhode: Don’t worry about it! Its just a small old shoe store! What could go wrong.

SCENE 3 _Eric hurry’s over to a friend Kate’s house to hang out_

Eric: Hey how’s it going Kate?

Kate: Oh Awesome! Just go up to my room and wait up there. I have to talk to you about a few things (smiles).

_Eric heads up to Kate’s room and sits on the Bed, waits a moment before Kate comes up to her room.

Kate: I’m happy you stopped by. My family is going on a camping trip this weekend a said I could invite some friends along. Since I couldn’t get a hold of you earlier, I invited Stacy to come along, do you think you could make it?

Eric: Sounds Nice, Ill see if I can come. Where will we be staying?

Kate: By the old Barnes Mill and factory. Maybe like 5 to 10 minutes from there.

Eric: Sounds cool, I will check back with you on that, I will stop by tomorrow after work I guess. I got a new job at the William’s Shoe Store In Annapolis.

Kate (while laughing): You work there now? hahaha.

Eric: Oh ha ha very finny (sarcastic). I will talk to you after work tomorrow.

_Camera moves outside looking out at Kate’s window like a person is looking at it. Same Camera motion as Eric is leaving with hard breathing in the back round.

SCENE 4 Eric: Looks like I am on Brent Road now. Wont be long till I get home

_As Eric is riding home from Kate’s, he gets the feeling that someone is watching him. He stops for a moment and looks around._

Eric: Who’s there....Kate?...If this is one of your tricks...

_Eric Continues to ride down the dark road. In the back round, you can see a shadowy image._

Eric: Come on, this is getting annoying.

_The Sound of a metal object dropping is heard from the bushes near by. Eric slowly walks over to see what the noise was. He is alarmed to see a bloody knife laying down on the ground. He quickly runs home to tell his mother what he had seen. When he gets home, he tells his mother.

Eric: Uh, mom, when I was coming back from Kate’s...

_Eric’s Mom interrupts_

Rhode: Shhh!

_His mother points to the TV._

Newscaster:...A stabbing has occurred in Arnold, where just today, a Mental Patient escaped from Blooming Pines mental institution.

_Eric stands in fear after hearing the news and kept what he saw to himself. The Camera looks through the window where Eric and his mother are watching the television.


_The Next Morning. Eric woke up screaming after a dream he had about a man with a knife. His mother rushes in._

Rhode: Are you ok Eric??

Eric: Yeah mom, just a dream.

Rhode: Good, now get dressed and come down for breakfast.

_Eric gets dressed and walks down the stairs. He sits down across from his mother and they begin to talk._

Eric: Mom, last night Kate asked me if I wanted to go on a camping trip with her this weekend. Do you think it would be alright?

Rhode: I don’t see why not. Where is this anyway?

Eric: Blooming Pines Woods.

Rhode: Well, I don’t think I want you going out there near the Institution. You remember the news don’t you?

Eric: Of course, how could I forget? I mean, he will probably be caught by then you know? I mean, were the Staunton’s! Even if he doesn’t get caught by then you know we Staunton’s are powerful!

Rhode: No, I will not let you go out there with that Maniac on the loose! Just think of all those corny slasher movies! Do you want to turn up like one of those corpses? I didn’t think so. Your staying home.


Eric: Well you know dad would of let me go!

Rhode(seems nervous about the subject): You know he left us! He is happy where he is with his new wife! He is long gone now. You are staying Home and that is final!

Eric: Whatever (walks out of the room)

Rhode: Get back here!

_Eric slams the door and proceeds to leave for work._


_Kate is at her house packing for her trip at about 11:00am in her room._

(Tapping Heard Outside)

_Kate Turns around but waits a moment and continues to pack her clothes in. _

(Another Moment passes and another tapping sound is heard)

Kate(to herself): I wonder what that is...

_As she turns around, a rock plunges through her window. A note is attached_

Kate(reading the note): Stay Away.

_The Note was written i a red substance that could be blood._

_She walks over to the window and sees a dark figure running away into the wooded area behind her house._

_Her Father Runs In_

Father: Kate! What happened here!

Kate: Call the police...

_Father picks up the rock with the note on it and picks up the phone and dials 911._

Father(to the 911 operator): Put a search together, we have got a madman on the loose.


_After Kate’s father called the police, a loud crash could be heard from downstairs._

Kate: Oh my god, what the bell* was that...

Father: Stay up here and don’t move.

_Father goes downstairs and you can hear him screaming. Camera focuses on Kate’s shocked face._

Kate(frightened walking down the stairs): Dad?...Hello?...Dad?

_The door downstairs was knocked down_

_Kate passes a long wide window while still calling for her dad._

Kate: Dad? Come on dad...

_In an instant, the fathers body was thrown through the window, glass and blood splattering everywhere. You can see the horrible looking man through the glass. The man proceeds to walk through the window._

Kate(frightened): Who...Who are you?

_The man sneers and pulls out a large butcher knife_

Lunatic(in a dark ghastly voice): Just call me...Fate.

_The man starts to run after her. Kate screams and trips on the stairs. The lunatic grabs her foot and slices it. Kate gets away again. Kate has run out of room to run.

Lunatic: This is the end

_Lunatic stabs Kate through the neck._


_Eric is coming home from work when he passes Kate’s house and realizes what happens_

Eric: Oh my god, what happened?!

Officer: The family in there was murdered. We think some freak came in there and sliced them up good.

Eric(thinking to himself): What’s happening here...?

_Eric walks around the house to find a boot. This boot looks oddly familiar to him. Like De Ja Vu has just occurred.

Eric: This is too weird...

_Eric looks around and sees a man in the distance. He is scared from this and is paralyzed in fear. The man starts walking closer._

Eric: Stop where you are!

_The man continues to walk. Eric starts running down through the woods to get to his house. The man starts to walk faster and faster. Eric sees a pipe, picks it up, and hits him hard over the head. The man lays there unconscious.

_Eric walks over to him to try and turn him over to see who he is. He sees blood all over his clothes and a knife by his side. As soon as he turns it over, he gets up and his horribly disfigured face is bloody and grotesque. Eric runs home.


Eric: Mom! Mom!

Rhode: What’s wrong?!

Eric: Kate’s family has been murdered and this guy...I don’t know who he is but he is running after me!

Rhode: Its time I tell you the truth...

Eric: Truth? What truth?

Rhode: Your father...he did not leave us. I committed him to the Mental Institution when you were younger. He threatened to kill us and others. I couldn’t let that happen. He was in a horrible Mill accident and it drove him insane.

Eric: What the Duck*!? You mean, you told me all this Stick* and you never told me what really happened? How the bell* could you do this!

_The man smashes through the window. The both scream and run upstairs_

Lunatic: Nice to see you again Rhode...


Moni(lunatic): You set me up you Clitch*! Its time for you to die...

_Moni hurls the knife at Rhode’s head and misses but hits her shoulder. Blood pouring out. Eric terrified._

Eric: Dad...?

Moni: You heard right you little son of a Clitch*...

_Moni picks up Rhode and slits her throat leaving a nasty blood squirting scar._

Eric: Why are you doing this!?

Moni: She set me up...all because of you. You were an accident! You are just a Cluck* Up! All this time in the institution has set me strait. I know all the truth now.

_Eric grabs a baseball bat lying against the wall behind him_

Eric: No, you don’t...

_Eric slams the lunatic over the side of the head and he passes out. He sees the other boot that he found earlier.

Eric: it all ties in now...no more Ducking* lies...

_Eric calls the police they presume the killer dead from the blow to the head_ SCENE 9

_In the morgue, a mortician checks out the killers body, while he is doing some paper work, the killer twitches. A few moments pass and he gets up. The Mortician is clueless. The killer picks up a scalpel and stabs the man right through the head. The movie ends with the killer laughing and proceeding to leave.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * = Changed cusses


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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 4/3/2002 4:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 18870    really really Creeepy...that gave me the chills... Awesome...i would love to see it in a movie... *huggles n love*  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    I think its very good. I dont have the imagination to write things like this. Great job  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 47618    wow - i just this on Jo Blo!!! lol  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 43317    lol AfterBurn is me!!!  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 43317    lol i gotta get as many replies as i can!  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 43317    Well do u like it? lol  
Date: 4/3/2002 5:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 47618    cool  

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