A blonde walks into a shop and tells the man, " I want to buy that TV." the man replies, " I'm sorry i dont sell to blondes." She walks out furious. The next day the blonde comes back wearing a red wig and she tells the owner "I want to buy that TV." He replies, " I'm very sorry but I dont sell to blondes." She walks out as furious as before. The next day she comes back wearing a burnette wig and demands, "I want that TV." The man gets very stern and says, " I told I dont sell to blondes!" This time the blondes glares at the man and says," Fine if i can't get the TV then let me ask just one question, How did you know it was me???" The man simply smiles at here and says, " Well you see that TV you keep pointing at,its not a TV, its a microwave."
There was a blonde, a redhead, and a burnette getting ready to be executed(sp.?). The burnette walks up and the general-guy asks, " any last words?" The burnette looks at the men with the guns and shakes her head no. then you hear, "ready? aim....." all the sudden she yells, "TORNADO!!!!" all the men run to the nearest ditch and the burnette runs off to hide. The redhead is next. All the men are ready and they are not gonna let this one go. The guy asks again, "any last words?" The redhead looks around shakes her head no. You hear once again, "ready? aim......" and then she screams,"EARTHQUAKE!!!! " Everyone ducks down the she runs off. The blondes turn. She walks up confidently. The guy asks one last time, "any last words?" The blonde shakes her head no. So you hear, "Ready? AIM....." All the suddent the blonde bursts out, "FIRE!!!!!!!"
A bunch of blondes were heading to disney world and they saw a sign that said ' Disney World Left' so they turned around and went home.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .