Her excitment was contagious. Sparks of light danced in her eyes. The soft glow of the low fire, and the dim twinklings of christmas lights, magically turned our cramped living room into a whole new world. The small boxes, few as they were, beckoned us with elaborate fingers of cheap ribbion, fraying already at the ends. We were children, gazing in awe at the small tree. We didnt see the cheap wrapping paper, fraying ribbions, or the small tree. We saw the beauty and mystery of Christmas, and the tree...was perfect, I got to put the star on top. Mother handed our gifts into our waiting hands. She was an angel, brimming with excitment herself, as she watched our anxious faces and our nimble hands carelessly rip off the dull paper with Santa placed symetrically on every side. We opened our boxes together, my brother and I. Tennis shoes. We were thankful, my old ones were still ok, but my brothers had long ago given way to the endless pounding he pressed upon them. We smiled and hugged her, then put them on our bare feet. As we settled down she gave us the rest of our gifts. It took us all of 10 minutes to open our gifts. Gloves, hats, new coats, and snow boots. I peered under the tree as I began to follow them into the kitchen for breakfast, maybe she missed some. Nothing, nothing but broken ornaments, that had scattered beneath the tree. I stood and held the santa paper in my clenched hands. These gifts were from my mother. I loved them. Glancing at the jolly, red clad santa, I crumpled the paper, and threw it into the fire. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35808 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .