Well, what can I say. I've finally got to see E.T. on the big screen. Having grown up in the 80s this was an important film in my life. To see it on the big screen was a great feeling - and with the new changes in the film I thought I'd say a few words.
After 20 years this is still a wonderful and powerful movie. Although there are some changes....
First we have a few differences in the opening, E.T.'s run from the feds is more realistic in movement and we have an alternate take of E.T.'s little moan as the ship flies away.
Through CGI E.T.'s skin looks a little more life like.
We get an enhanced view of the neighborhood as E.T. looks down.
The "ahem"-breath line which was to be cut out was still in there though.
We have a new scene where E.T. literally takes a bath.
A new scene during the Halloween segment where we see the Michael and Gertie on the street at night.
Also rather than telling Michael not to go out dressed like a terrorist (as in the original film) the mom tells him not to go out dressed like a hippie. (Thanks alot Osama Bin Laden for ruining a classic! LOL)
The guns are digitally removed in the climatic street chase. --I don't agree with this change though because it was the gun's that made the scene scary and thus it was so cool when E.T. made them fly off. (E.T. also seems to smile in both instances where the bikes go flying...this is so cute!)
Also, the scenes with the children have been altered. Originally they used minatures for the flying scenes and it showed - now they have substituted the minutures with actual footage of children on bikes...so it looks a whole lot better.
During E.T.'s sad goodbye, as he turns off to go back into his ship, you can really tell that he is sad...he makes this sad face and it's....well hard to describe.
A new alternate scene of the spaceship flying off and making the rainbow.
There's a few minor changes but I do not want to go into detail. LOL. Overall this was a good experience and I can't wait to have E.T. on DVD! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 47618 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .