I realize I'm not like a lot of folks that I tend to be around but they don't have to be so mean to me. Heck! We're all different in one way or another. I can't figure for the life of me why some just have to be so prejudiced. You don't have to treat me badly just because I may not look like you. I have even been run out of lots of places under threat of bodily harm. It just isn't right!
I went into this house yesterday because I was hungry. That's all! I just wanted to try to find something to eat. I certainly meant no one any harm. They didn't seem to even notice that I was there because I tried to keep a low profile and stay out of sight when anybody was in the same room with me.
Like I said, I may not be from the same place these folks are from but I've been around their types long enough to pick up a bit of their language. It's enough to give me a pretty good idea of what's going on around me anyway. I was here all alone last night when these two men walked through the door. They were talking in a rather serious manner. I made sure that they didn't see me. I wanted to try to figure out who they were and what they were doing. After a few minutes, one of them reached into his pocket and produced an envelope. He handed it to the other man. The man took it, looked inside it and then left. The one who had had the envelope in his pocket stayed. His expression was so serious.
The man was sitting in a chair when a woman came in. He acted like he was happy to see her but I thought I knew what he was up to. He had given that man the envelope to get him to come back here and do something to her...something bad. The man looked at this watch and then said that he had to go somewhere. Then he left and the woman sat down and started watching TV. I went in there and tried to warn her that something bad was going to happen to her but she wouldn't listen to me. She made it perfectly clear that I was not welcome here but I refused to give up. That made her so mad at me and she finally tried to kill me. She got up when she heard a noise coming from the door and then there was that other man again. I knew what he was going to do but I didn't feel bad since I had tried to tell her and she had treated me so badly. Yeah, I was sure I knew what he was going to do and I was right. He did something like what I thought he would and then he left. Since he was gone, I thought I would go over there and check her out. Her eyes were open and that seemed like a good place to lay some eggs.
I hope somebody somewhere hears this story but I can't hang around any longer to find out. Flies don't live forever, you know! I've gotta go now. Bzzzzzzz You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 47699 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .