There is an abandoned house in the outskirts of my town. I did some research on the house and the story is repulsive. There was a mother at home giving her twins a bath. The father came home drunk one night. He went upstairs, and pushed the twins into the water and they died. Then he beat the mother's head against the bath tub. After this massicar, he went down stairs and shot himself with his hunting rifle. Me and some friends decided to check out the house for ourselves one night. There were 5 of us. 3 of us went inside. While they were inside, I saw someone wearing a white shirt with a jean jacket over it. None of them were wearing those clothes that night, and they didn't bring in spare clothes. When we were leaving, I looked back and saw a blue light comming from the second floor, where the bathroom was. One of our friends got left behind. We went back and found him in the gravel road passed out face down. He told us that he had gone back to find his eyeglasses. He was looking outside of the house when he heard a screaching sound. He looked up to see a woman surrounded in a blue light. That was all he remembered. Today, everyone that entered the house that night has died. The two others are me and a girl who now has a rare form of cancer. Should you ever visit, do not curse yourself by visiting this home. (In loving memory of John, Chad, and Jeremy.) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51488 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .