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Piercings and Tatoos Whats your opinion?

  Author:  19460  Category:(Debate) Created:(3/17/2002 8:25:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (11312 times)

What is considered "acceptable" body piercings? Do you have a piercing(s) or tatoo? I think they look cool on some people, and have a few myself. Are people going to far? If you could get a tatoo what would it be and where? If you could have a piercing where would it be? I myself have a cartalige (sp) piercing and had my tongue pierced (had to take it out for work dress code but im going to get it redone) and i have thought about other piercings. I want a tatoo on my leg of a nekkid fairy kneeling with her hands folded (like she is praying). So? What would you have done, or what DO you already have?

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Date: 3/17/2002 8:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 17014    I have four piercings in one ear and five in the other... I will go no further...as for tatoos...ummmm, no. LOL  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 45630    I have my eyebrow and my nipple pierced and I wouldn't mind a tattoo. I have found that peircings are very addictive but I'm running out of covered places to pierce.  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    I think they are all nasty, discusting, low class, unintellegent, vulgar......oops, here comes my daughter and I think she's gonna pull the plug on my computer....LOL!!!!  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 10534    I don't have any tatoos or piercings. Nope, not even my ears. LoL I think they're tyte on other people, just not me. hehe Peace-Love-Unity,  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 49459    I have no problem with them. I don't think I would do either myself though. I don't even have my ears pierced! I sometimes say I am going to, just because it bothers my dad so much. He freaked out when I came home from a trip to California with a henna tatoo! Lol! RlaurenC  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 47699    Don't even get me started on this one!  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 26452    I like percings and tatoos,I have my ears pierced 10 times in each ear,I just got my lip done wensday,and Im geting a few tatoos when im old enought,I say its whatever that person wants,but a few piercings i have no clue why someone would wanna get lol  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 18516    The only thing I have pierced are my earlobes. If it's your body..then I think you can do whatever you want to it..that's not my place to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do. I honestly can't stand needles so..I don't think I'll go any further. If I did get a tattoo I'd get it on my ankle and I'd get a butterfly or a fairy. Something cute..lol  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 13546    I think any tattoo is good, as long as it is tasteful. LOL! I am planning to get one in about a month, on my left shoulder blade.. *smiles* Don't know what of yet.. and I want one on the bottem of my foot.. no reason really.. just because.. I have my ears piereced.. and I think thats just about as far as I will go. I think piercing and tattoos are good! I mean whatever floats your boat, right?   
Date: 3/17/2002 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 18376    I have ears pierced ,belly ring. No tatoos yet,I think they are cool. Whats the big deal??  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 25390    LOL...NO! DON'T get Frankenstein started!! *learned her lesson, LMAO!* I personally have 4 piercings in my left ear and 3 in my right. and 2 tattoos.  
Date: 3/17/2002 8:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 45684    Ah. I think tattoos and piercings are great. Not only any they aesthetically pleasing, they're fun! I personally have one tattoo (a crescent moon and star on my ankle) and I have a couple more planned. I also have my septum pierced and my earlobe piercing stretched up to 4ga. I just have to say that the stigma attatched to tattoos and piercings are that they are gotten by people who are either white trash OR teenagers trying to be rebellious. It isn't that way anymore. Practially everyone and their grandma have a tattoo these days. But, there are people for whom tattoos/piercings are a way of life. And believe me, many of them are upper middle class people who aren't teenagers, and who have good jobs. If someone has one tattoo, or one hundred, I think they've made a wise choice. ~technicolor  
Date: 3/17/2002 9:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 28336    i have a few piercings......but as far as a tatto i want one but i am scared it would hurt too much......  
Date: 3/17/2002 9:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 31255    I have two peircings in both my ears, one on my bellybutton, use to have an eyebrow piercing but work made me take it out. I don't have a tatoo but probably will someday, either one my ankle or one very close by my hip bone.  
Date: 3/17/2002 9:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 20956    i like tasteful tattoos and body peircings. I have my navel peirced and have a small rose on my hip ~ i love both of 'em. I plan on getting another tattoo on the base of my spine ~ a small celtic symbol ....  
Date: 3/17/2002 9:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 49037    I really want to get a tattoo on my lower back (the Superman "S"- it has meaning to me) and I've thought about getting my bellybutton peirced. I'm a little scared of the pain, though...
~~Rock On!~Pigtails~~
Date: 3/17/2002 9:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 16916    I have 2 tatoos I have a cherub on my right shoulder blade and I have a butterfly on the small of my back, Both symbolize something very very special to me the angel (cherub means I always have an angel on my shoulder and the butterfly means well when I was little, I was always taught that butterflies symbolize life after death in a way, when you see a butterfly its a loved one coming to watch over you. , I want one more, I want a rose on my ankle (my great grandmas favorite flower) and I have a navel peircing that has been nothing more than a pain in my butt! LOL but I love it anyways. Tatoos and peircings are cool to an extent, its very possible to go overboard! I love both and think that they are a form of art but too much can be as bad as nothing at all and worse! PS- I heard tattos on the ankle hurt the worst heheLOL Huggles  
Date: 3/17/2002 10:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 19685    i have two tats on my back: one is a yellow rose that is crying *like my tag* on my right shoulder blade... the other is a tribal design on my lower back... i have 3 cartilidge piercings on my left ear and regular ear rings in both ears. yes, i do think some people go to far... and i do think it's nasty to get anything pierced below the face (including belly button rings ONLY because i have this thing with NOTHING touching my belly button lol not that i actually think they are nasty in themselves.. does that make sense??) thats just my opinion, not to offend anyone. i don't think damaging our bodies this way is right or good or healthy, right along with drinking and smoking.. but i do them all anyways. i'm such a silly little hypocrite.  
Date: 3/17/2002 11:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    i have my ear pierced and im working on a tattoo on my ankle cause lause prohibit me from getting a real one its about me and my 4 best friends so its nothing i will regret later i think there perfectly fine i wanna get my tongue pierced but ill wait till im 18 for that and also i wanna get a tattoo of a black rose winding around a dagger and its implanted in a skull but thats just me some people dont agree with tattoos but thats there opinion and i respect that  
Date: 3/17/2002 11:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    and anyone who saying its disgracing the temple of god well 1. i evicted him muahaha and 2. i rather have a beautifully decorated temple than a plain one so :P hehe im done  
Date: 3/18/2002 1:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 26452    LOL @ Jestr.  
Date: 3/18/2002 5:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 19173    I have one rose tatoo on my ankle and I only have my ears pierced, 3 holes in each ear. I like tatoo's and piercings as long as there aren't too many. IMO too many ruins it and it just doesn't look good, some people go over board and they wind up ruining their bodies with all these piercings and tatoos..Lisa  
Date: 3/18/2002 5:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 19685    lol i can't believe i forgot to mention last night that i have a lip ring... *hits herself*  
Date: 3/18/2002 7:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 35160    i have both , and i luv them,lol,  
Date: 3/18/2002 9:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 160    I only have what I was born with and it is going to stay that way. I cringe when I see young girls with navel piercings and tatoos, personally I think it is ugly and the only ones that should do this need to join the circus and be paid to have people look at them. Sorry if this seems harsh but you asked and these are my feelings.  
Date: 3/18/2002 12:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 30477    Now that piercings and tattoos are common among all social groups, I think it's more rebellious and original not to have ANY.  
Date: 3/18/2002 1:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 19460    Thanks for all your comments, this was fun! LOL  
Date: 3/18/2002 3:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 44525    I have a small henna tatoo on my lower back on my spine. Its a red and blue sun...its really pretty..  
Date: 3/18/2002 5:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 51196    I'd like to get my tongue peirced just havent done it yet I have a few home made needle and thred tats that I did as a teen. Id like to get an elaborate back peice done but unfortunatly I live in a state where tattooing is illegal, but body peircing is legal (makes a whole lot of sence huh? LOL) so that has been postponed too! *The 4th Horseman*
Date: 3/18/2002 5:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 27270    I have several tattoos. A really cool black/red/purple/yellow sun, a unicorn, a butterfly and a rose (all in different places). Now I got them because I like them and wanted them, but I often here people talk about getting them because they think it is "cool". Me, myself, I don't show off my tattoos, because they're not there for show, they're there for me! And these days, it's more original NOT to have a tattoo, because the majority of people have them. As for piercings, nope, I don't have the nerve. I almost cried when I got my ears pierced!!!  
Date: 3/18/2002 6:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 45906    ohhh geeze ahh yes my fav subject i belive our bodys are our bodys shure may arugue that but still i plan on tattos and piriceings ( i have 6 in my ears and one somewhere else sSSSSHHHHH!)anyways with the fary if you do not like it turn your head hey its yoru disgrestion is it not? <para  
Date: 3/19/2002 5:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 39763    ewww....I think piercings & tattoos r gross, I think that the onlt place a percing should be is on an ear, the way they made it to be....I mean, I don't care if other people have them, but I just wouldn't consider it. & what is the point with the tongue piercings?? can u even eat with them??LOL....Tattoos are ok, but I'd rather have just a temporary one.........hugz, *StarrWolf*  
Date: 3/19/2002 5:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 39763    Why should you go out & waste your money on putting holes in yourself?? LOL, that's my opinion.........*StarrWolf*  
Date: 3/19/2002 8:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 29534    I think tattoos and peircings are cool. I had one of my ears peirced 10 times and the other 5 times. Ended up taking them out because i was allergic to the jewelry. I had my nose peirced. Same thing happened. Next month I'm gonna get a tattoo, I'm not sure of what yet. I'm gonna get something peirced either my bellbutton or my tongue. The only thing I don't like about body modification is the implants. I just have a hard time with those. Good post *hugs and love*  

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