I can not tell you, how it all happen. But I can tell you I do believe, I know when I started my long road down the wild ride. Back then I was known as the Man with everything but not in the way of real help. Just drugs and no this is not a story about drugs and lost youth. I was out one night looking for a party to sell my best stuff. When I came up to a park with a whole lot of kids in a group. I was thinking to myself cool I’m gonna sell a whole lot of crystal tonight. So I drove up to the group. And asked if they were partying and if they needed anything to party with too night. And they told me yes they were having a party and they had everything they needed they asked if I would like to join them. I asked what they had and they told me they had Jesus Christ. And I will tell you if you have never seen the devil run when he heard the Lords name I’m telling you right now the devil runs and he runs fast I lost about 2inchs of rubber on my tires trying to get out of that park that night.
After that I kept doing my drugs and drinking all the time until one day a woman came up to me while we were partying at a friends house and started talking to me about how many friends I had and how they all looked up to me and about all the partying I was doing she would smoke marijuana but would not do any of the other stuff. Then she caught me with this one saying that hit home hard. She ask me to stop and think and think real hard. Out of all my friends did I have one that would die for me? After a long time of thinking about this. She then continued to tell me that, I had friend that had already died for me. Now that made me really think I have never had anybody die for me. So I had to know, Who this person was and then she told me it was Jesus he Died on the cross for my sins. That’s when she got me to start thinking. About 3 weeks later something happen that was not good for the Man. You see the man was moving into a new area with his good stuff but there was already some people there. So one of my friends thought it would be cool to set up a meeting. Well the meet had us using each others stuff he tried mine and liked it and then he brought out his I did not notice but neither one of them would use the stuff them gave to me. About 5 minutes later they all left and I was alone with what ever was going to hit me and boy did it hit me hard. I could not breath very well and it felt like my heart was coming up out of my chest. Right then a song came on it was “We are just Dust in the wind” by Kansas . I knew that I was going down but before I did I got down on my knees and talked to God and ask Jesus to forgive me. I had just finished that when I went down for the count. The next thing I knew I was in a place that I can not put into words The beauty of it the sure joy I could hear other people around me asking questions like why and how . But I was yelling what is wrong with all of you, can you not see the beauty and feel the joy. All of sudden I heard a very deep voice and it was telling me. Greg come with me It was a voice of love joy understanding and peace all in one. All of a sudden we were going down this long line it look like a small thread with little pea along they way we would come to one of the round balls and it would be a turning point in my life, a decision that I had made to do something. Some of those balls were hard to look at but the voice told me to wait and each time we would go back down from each turning point and he would show me how and why I had made each choice based on earlier things that had happen in my life way back to when I was just a child. The voice told me that it was time for me to go back I had a lot more to learn. But I did not want to go back. I wanted to stay were I was, he told me I had to go back. There so much more for me to learn and do. After a while I concede to go back but only on the understanding that I would be back here again. The Voice told me that I would and then like flash I was heading back to the earth. I could see the earth Not as it is today but after something very bad had happen. The coast was gone on each side and the ground look burnt up on the edges were the coast was and then the deeper you went the less burnt it was until it turned to dry clay with large cracks in it. All the way until a single green spot with grass and life. And no I can not pin point the right spot on the map. Because to much of the coast was burnt away Florida was gone. And This is why I believe in God and Jesus. I Know where we are going, and can not wait get back home. But only until all my work is done and lessons are learned. I thank God everyday for this and the change he brought me threw that night.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .