In the last couple of yr's things have been up in down for me.I have moved back in forth and met some friends here and there but none that have been serious that I stayed in touch or did a whole lot together.Until my roomate experience was over I gained a new friend and saw another one start to stride due to are differences. But in life as we have been taught it's not all about what you see in a person it's what they are frienship wise and how they treat you and others . Well this whole story is mainly about a good friend from highschool and and some new friends I have gained over the last yr. Last couple of yr's I have had some internet friends that turned into some good friends and an ex roomate turn into real good friend vs. What the way we were in high school. My dilemma in the last yr or so has how my life is going personally what I'm doing sometimes it's up and other times it seemed down. My job could be going in the wrong direction or religion for me was at a low depression wise I felt I'm 21 almost 22 and it seemed to be going nowhere and I realized I had to take control.I would have moments were it was tuff to go to work do to money problems they were having then my pt job became ft and things got better then worse due to my boss. I look at my possibilities and things going on with my friends and realized it wasn't all that bad I found a church for awhile I liked was going there for over two months then baam they changed the group and the fellowship was getting extremly large for what I liked in a church.So I stopped going to church and haven't gone in awhile. I'm looking at going back church maybe the denomination I was baptised in and finding one that has diverse age group and ethiniticity.So due to not going to that church anymore my religous values started going down hill my vocal output was down my self esteem due to not seeing some of my church friends anymore due to area we lived in and are busy life. I didn't know what to do so work was going up in down. I'm 22 now for awhile and in this time I have realized weather dealing with these problems I have had or have that life shouldn't be this bad. Due to my lack of religous upbringing I had to learn and search for my own beliefs and values witch I due my best to keep. Over the last yr due to family's strength becoming stronger and guidance I had to find it's been tough. I believe 2002 has started off well my job is going well I'm keeping a good bond with my friends I believe in life friends are more like family. I have also fealt better because people will sometimes come to me for advice on things I've dealt with or my opinion and vise versa and it helps to get one anothers view on whats going on and how to get things dealt with . I feel due to meeting a good friend late last yr and some of her friends and keeping in touch with my friends and family my life's perspective becomes more outgoing an easier than the past yr and before. I have slowly started regaining alot of my self confidence and religous aspect back and plan on searching for a place of comfort in gods house. I am finally reading again books like Dr phils life strategies and finishing I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris,and Self matters by Dr phil I am reading these books due to self interest and help for me and outlook on helping others around me. The aspect of my story wasn't to detail or make me look sad and depressed but to let people understand that thought we have our ups and downs in life it will al be all right and we have friends and family that will be there when we need them. Due to my odd friend and her friend and some of mine I have looked at getting things back in track personally religously and just about everywhere.Going back and taking classes.I sometimes look for the deeper meaning of things going on in life through music and movies and it helps to understand what artist are getting across in music. Anyways I know this is long but I wanted all you great usmer's to understand that friendhsip and the family you have means a great deal. Look at like as more than an everyday happening. Looks at your accomplishments ands things youv've done and people who love and care for you. So look up out into like and prosper with frienship,family and great knowledge and live to be happy !!! How it changed my life:New perspective on frienship and life in general!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 49564 ( Click here )
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