I have been studying the ouija for years now and every couple days or weeks, my friend and I will get it out. Well, we mostly do our ouijaing at her house, because my house used to be a funeral parlor, and I'm not sure how many troubled or pesky spirits there are. Just too much activity in my house. I know you'll say, "Well, that would be the place to do it, because you would definately talk to someone." Well, I've been doing it so long, I can contact people no matter where I am :) We contacted an Native American that said he got in a fight with the English for land and was killed. He like hated my friend because she was German. I was like, "Do you hate me?" He goes, "No, you are Italin, your people have done nothing to me." Strange. So, I played by myself and he continued to say we had to talk to Chris Stabler. Like I would know who this person was! My friend's name was Stabley, and he said that Chris Stabler was German, like my friend. Stabley, Stabler? lol..So anyway, we went down to one of her relatives, that had a family tree of her family, thinking it was related to her. Well, there was a Christian Stabler, the first German to move to America 2 years before the Native American said he died. We asked why he didn't tell us when we asked who he was..he replied, "To make the search start," or something like that. We're all like, "The search for what?" "Documents" "Where?" "My body" We sit there, just looking at each other, like what did we get ourselves into this time! Lol..So he continued telling us that some of them were papers, others artifacts? I guess, and that they were needed for the towns history. We still have no idea what history, just our fickel imginations thinking a big murder no one knew about, or something really big happening and the wrong decisions made? Ugh, he wants us to "Change things." Grr...now this makes me so..I dont know, controversal? Well, then the next day we got someone who died a few months ago in this big accident that happened on the highway, near us. So, they go, "Hey, did you help him with his problem?" "Who?" "The Indian" "Indian? "Yeah, the one asking about the history of a town?" "How do you know him?" "I don't." "Then how did you know about our conversation?" "We know everyone's problems" Go figure! Then, these person was really nice saying how she didn't want to give too much information out about herself, because she didn't know who my friend and I were, and whether or not we were evil, mean, rude, etc. Just didn't trust too much. Go figure, and I thought we were the weary ones! LoL..just thought I'd share a few of my experiences, in a nutshell, so to speak..lol I could've made them much longer, but I do have some what of a life! Lol, well, as I have shown, just about every one of my experiences has been postive..I wish everyone else in here could say the same..:( Wish the best to all of you and your ouijaing experiences~ How it changed my life:-- You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 49674 ( Click here )
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